Teacher________________ Lesson Plan for : ___________________ Date__________ Time____ Objective________________________________________________________________________
Objective Guides Activities Materials
. Pre-Assessment: Processes used to determine level of student readiness, learner characteristics, prior knowledge .Time
Prepare: Set goals 
Engage: Clarify 
Respond: Reflect


Learning Styles 
A.  Auditory 
B.  Visual 
C.  Kinesthetic 
D.  Interpersonal 
E.  Intrapersonal
Teacher Input


Acquire: Recognize, identify, outline,organize 
Apply:   Solve, predict, change forms
Guided Practice


Higher Order Thinking Skills
Validate Accuracy
Distinguish, identify, evaluate 
Determine Value of Information
Determine, recognize, validate, categorize 
Develop and Evaluate Relevance
Analyze, compare, distinguish, appraise, judge
Independent Practice


Personal Response/Enjoyment
Relate to Self: Visualize, respond, compare 
Draw parallels, relevancy, compare/contrast 
Critical and Creative Response
Create, synthesize, interpret 
Closure .
. Post Assessment:  (Processes used to evaluate student learning.)  .

Observer Focus (Major focus of data collection)



Lesson Plan Self Assessment


1.  Does my performance objective specifically state what I expect the students to learn and what behaviors I will use to assess that learn? (Check to make sure you are not describing the activity or strategy, but that you address what the students will learn as a result of your lesson. Also be sure it correlates to the NC Standard Course of Study!)

2.  Does my focus engage students' attention and motivate interest in the topic?

3.  Do I include strategies that establish prior knowledge?

4. Do I connect the lesson to something relevant in their lives? (Do I know my students and their interests?)

5. Is my statement of objectives in language the students can understand?

6.  Does the state of objective explain  the topic, the strategies, and intended assessment?

7.  Does my teacher input take into account various learning styles?

8.  Does my teacher input contain relevant examples and demonstrations?

9.  Does my guided practice provide the students an opportunity to develop and organize the information into appropriate schema?

10.  Is my guided practice either self correcting or teacher monitored for correctness in order to assess performance?

11.  Does my guided practice offer appropriate scaffolding?

12.  Does my independent practice build on the skills used in my guided practice and provide for retention of skills?

13.  Do all pieces of my plan support my performance objective?

14.  Does my closure afford students the opportunity to reflect on and assess their own learning?

15.  Is my method of assessment appropriate for the learning outcome to be measured?