Mr. Adams Room 231
1. RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!!!! Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and any other individual who may come into our class. Learning is your responsibility first and foremost. Therefore, BE PRESENT, ON TIME, PREPARED, AND READY TO LEARN. Being on the block schedule means your attendance in class is even more vital to your success.
2. Before the tardy bell rings, be in your assigned seat, quiet, and ready for class. Please have your pencils sharpened, pens, notebooks, and books handy at your desk when the bell rings. Not being in your seat when the bell rings is a tardy. MORNING DETENTIONS will be assigned for tardies to our class.
3. Upon entering the room, be sure to look on the chalkboard or overhead for possible journal entries or assignments that you need to tend to immediately. We will have board work daily to review materials we have discussed previously or prepare us for the current day’s topic.
4. Being able to communicate with the written word is one of the most important skills you will learn in life and we will practice it frequently through journals, papers, and project work.
5. Listen to instructions and assignments prior to beginning work. Listening attentively to begin with will save us both time and energy.
6. All papers and projects are to be written in blue or black ink. I will not accept papers torn from composition notebooks. In addition, all assignments are due on the designated dates. Late papers or projects will receive lower grades. CERTAIN MAJOR PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE.
7. Make-up work is your responsibility. If you miss class, you are responsible for getting the notes or assignments from your classmates or myself. Please do not interrupt a class by asking what you missed the previous days. You may see me before or after class to schedule time to get the missed assignments. Make-up assignments should be turned in no later than 7 school days after the missed day of school. Missed tests should also be made up within 7 days.
8. An absence the day before the test is not an excuse to miss a test. You need to look over your notes every night. In addition, tests will be announced in advance. Quizzes, however, may be given at any time.
9. Cheating is not tolerated. If one appears to be cheating, the possibility they are cheating is high. Therefore, do not put yourself in a position that suggests wrong-doing is occurring.
10. “I Don’t Know” as a response is not acceptable in our classroom. You may ask me more questions to assist you in getting to the correct response or ask for a minute to find the answer. We will think in our class and not look for the easy way out.
11. This is a Social Studies class. Only Social Studies should be done in this class. I will keep any work not related to our class, including notes, being done in our class.
12. I will dismiss the class at the end of the period, not the bell. Please remain in your seat until I have dismissed you.
13. Supplies necessary include: three-ring binder, loose leaf lined paper, pens(black or blue), pencils, index cards(3x5, 4x6), and your book(issued by me). Please bring these materials everyday to class. These are your tools for building your knowledge of our course.
14. Notebooks may be collected each nine-weeks and will count as a test grade. Your notebook should have a section for all tests and quizzes, journals, and notes-including daily work.
15. You will have access to the book via a hardcopy of by electronic means as well if you desire. Please inform me if you wish to access your book via your computer.
Tests/Projects 65%
Classwork/Homework 35%