· How do
· How do teachers view teaching –
reasons for entering/leaving?
· How do teachers (qualifications,
disciplinary policies, expectations etc.) affect student performance?
· What should be included in the
curriculum - core subjects vs. broader curriculum?
· How much importance should be given
to sports, and extra-curricular activities vs. academics?
· What connection is there between
parents and student performance, single parents, education level of parents?
· How does social class and race affect
student outcomes?
· Should one model fit all – role of
“alternative schools?”
· How does class size affect outcomes?
· How do the resources (money,
technology etc) available to a school affect student achievement?
· How can we effectively assess student
learning (What is tested, consequences, what is proficient)?
· What % of students graduate/drop out
from school and is it affected by “high stakes testing?”
· How do types of schools affect
outcomes – charter, magnet, private etc?