Schooling American Indians



Christianity vs. tribal religions
Capitalism vs. communal property
Representative democracy vs. consensual decision making


6 Stages in the Interaction of Native Americans and European Americans

1. Conquest 1492-1886. Number of Indians reduced from 1m to 1/4m by 1890 - war, disease. Indians seen as an impediment to expansion and progress.

2. Civilization - Jefferson wanted to civilize the Indians (Some Indians accepted white man's ways). 1819 Civilization Act - Indian men to stop hunting, move from kinship to individualism/capitalism, women out of the fields.

3. Removal - 1820's, Whites in the South East felt that change wasn't going fast enough. Also some Indians felt that they could maintain their culture by moving. Trail of Tears - relocated to land in the West. "For their own good" (President Jackson)

4. Concentration - concentrate in out of the way places and continue to convert - reservations.

5. Assimilation - 1880's, poverty on the reservations, Indians living in teepees, not assimilating. Sent in Christian missionaries to kidnap the children. Public schooling to socialize

Education: Goal - assimilation, off-reservation boarding schools, and later on reservation schools, and public schools. Children required to have their hair cut, all Indian rituals to be banned, prohibited from speaking in their native language.

Land allotment and boarding school policies contributed to the destitution rather than assimilation.
Indians would receive an education appropriate to their status - vocational -marginal laborers/repetitive hand work.

·  Assimilation: Process by which diverse cultures alter their customs, habits and languages so as to allow absorption into a dominant culture.

·  Pluralism: Valuing & maintaining cultural & linguistic differences.

6. Self Determination - 1960's. Bureau of Indian Affairs established. Red Power to force the government to uphold its treaties. (Protest dismissed as communist inspired)