No Child Left Behind


1.    Testing:

a.     By 2005-06 all states must have annual assessments in all grades 3-8 in reading and mathematics.

b.    Science must be added by 2007-08.

c.     Sample of students (grades 4 & 8) must take part (every other year) in the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests (reading and math).


2.    Standards: All schools to have 100% of their students at the proficiency level, as defined by the state, within 12 years.

a.     Schools must make “Adequate Yearly Progress”

Title 1 schools that fail to make this progress for 2 consecutive years will receive after…

b.     2 years - technical assistance and school choice. 

c.     3 years, supplemental services, including private tutoring

d.      5 years, Title 1 schools must be reconstituted.


e.     Quality Staff: Requires states to have a “highly qualified” teacher in core subject areas in every public school classroom  Dec 2005.


f.      Flexibility: States and local school districts will have flexibility to transfer up to 50 % of the federal dollars to other federal programs (Safe and Drug Free Schools, Technology, Teacher Quality etc).