Student Achievement Outcomes:
Trask Middle School;
New Hanover High School
Achievement Gap NC -
State of the State Report NC
4 Explanations:
1) Genetic Inferiority
Differences in achievement genetically determined, Jensen & Shockley.
Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life Herrnstein
and Murray 1994
1) IQ tests are valid measures of intelligence
2) Intelligence is mainly inherited
3) lower IQ test scores indicate less intelligence, therefore less
4) occupational level and income are dependent on intelligence
5) poverty results from inherited deficiencies in the poor.
Programs to help people in poverty - welfare, head start, throw money away.
Criticism: Rationalization of the status quo - justifies
inequality as being genetically determined. Also assumes a narrow definition of
2) Cultural Deficit Theory
Inferior home environment, children socially and linguistically deprived,
ill prepared to enter school compared to white middle class peers, unable
to count, read, name colors.
Solution: Compensatory Education Programs. - Headstart.
Criticism: Programs attractive because they leave existing
social and cultural arrangements intact, locate the problem in the students'
home culture and seem to offer a solution.
3) Critical Theory
Reject previous explanations and solutions. Argue that inequalities in
educational outcomes reflection of inequalities in larger society - financial,
& cultural.
1) Financial -redistribute resources
to ensure that all schools are equally funded.
2) Cultural -challenge the assumed superiority of white middle-class
Schooling involves the interaction of the child's culture and the
culture - cultural clash or cultural support.
Cultural mismatches occur in a) language/dialects b) learning styles
c) ways of knowing d) cultural identity
Cultural differences not cultural deficits. (An
Indian Father's Plea/ PDF option)-
Anyon - 5 elementary schools: found a direct relationship between quality
of schooling and social class.
Working class schools relatively indifferent to academic content - rote
learning vs. think for themselves.
Far from equalizing, schools tend to reproduce inequalities (testing, tracking.)
4. Resistance Theory
Students experiencing discriminatory practices often reject or resist the
authority of schooling thereby contributing to their own failure.
Rejection of schooling/Academic work - school seen as irrelevant to goals
-acting dumb - peer sanctioned. "Failure," seen as a statement of the irrelevancy
of schooling.
1) Working class adolescent females - goal traditional roles - act
dumb, value femininity, strong peer support.
2) Working class lads value traditional macho roles, anti-intellectual,
resistance to academics, to school norms.
3) African American students, cooperation with the school means