ACE printed a lot of the popular (well, to some people - I
never could quite get interested) PERRY RHODAN novels. Amazingly, I have a
lot of these (courtesy of my uncle's collection).
Originally published in Germany on 8 September 1961 as a
weekly, which it remains to this day, Perry Rhodan, Peacelord
of the Universe, has been one of the most popular space heroes for
science fiction fans in Europe. Series and characters were created by
Karl-Herbert Scheer and Walter Ernsting. Arthur Moewig Verlag was the name
of the German publishing company for Perry Rhodan.
The first ACE edition PERRY RHODAN volumes were published
in the ACE five digit numerical series DOUBLES FORMAT in the 1970's,
usually in the format of a single cover with both titles listed. They were
published (however not exclusively) as ACE SINGLES, also in the 1970's.
This often produces confusion (certainly to me), as not only was the
five-digit numbering system used but the cover art changed from edition to
If you have any images for volumes not shown in this
collection, the ACE IMAGE LIBRARY would appreciate any submissions. Cover
artist information is limited for the ACE editions, although GEORGE WILSON
and GRAY MORROW have done many covers (original cover art and interior
illustration information is included in these entries). Pseudonym ("aka")
information for some of the "PR stable of writers" is supplied. If you
have additional information concerning these, a particular volume, or if I
am wrong in my attribution, please let me know. Thanks!
So, for those of you who have fond memories of this genre
(and for those of you have got here by some obscure cross-reference) .
Have Fun!
Abbreviations used below (PR-109 = Perry Rhodan #109)
From the 5 digit ACE DOUBLES series
66093 CLARK
DARLTON (aka Walter Ernsting) The Stolen Spacefleet
(PR-109) and KURT MAHR Sgt. Robot (PR-110; cover by
George Wilson)
PR-109 & PR-110
(back cover)
Note: This is the first ACE double issued by Grosset
& Dunlap Publishers
WILLIAM VOLTZ Seeds of Ruin (PR-111) and K. H. SCHEER Planet
Mechanica (PR-112; cover by George Wilson)
In addition to English, French, and German - the Perry Rhodan
series appears to be popular in Japan. The Japanese editions of Perry
Rhodan have always been printed in a Double format but the numbering
does not correspond to either the German or American issue number
system. In addition, many of the German issues (and later the
corresponding Japanese issues) were never published by ACE Books.
Thankfully, some of the AIL users are more familiar with this series
and have contributed their knowledge to allow me to put these issues
in some context.
For example, Japanese
edition #112 corresponds to German issues #223 and #224. This
set of stories comes from a later Perry Rhodan cycle called "The
Masters of The Islands" or would be called "Masters of Andromeda" if
there were an English version for those issues.
Japanese covers courtesy of H. Freihoff and German edition
correspondence information courtesy of D. Crowley.
Notice 10 November 2016. The cover artist for the
Japanese Perry Rhodan edition from 1-367 was Takashi Yorimitsu. The
information came from the German Perry Rhodan fan site PROC which runs
a "Perrypedia". Thank you David for tracking down this
Japanese covers for editions 1-100 are located at
CLARK DARLTON (aka Walter Ernsting) Heritage of the Lizard
People (PR-113) and KURT MAHR Death's Demand (PR-114; cover
by George Wilson)
PR-113 & PR-114
(back cover)
KURT BRAND Saboteurs in A-1 (PR-115) and WILLIAM VOLTZ The
Psycho Duel (PR-116; cover by George Wilson)
PR-115 & PR-116
(back cover)
66097-5 K.
H. SCHEER Savior of the Empire (PR-117) and CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Shadows Attack (PR-118; cover by
George Wilson)
PR-117 & PR-118
(back cover)
66098-3 W.
W. SHOLS The Wasp Men Attack (PR-none given) and ERNEST VLCEK Atlan
#1: Spider Desert (listed as a Special Release volume; cover by
George Wilson)
KURT MAHR Menace of Atomigeddon (PR-none given) and CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) Atland #2: Flight from Tarkihl
(listed as a Special Release volume; cover by George Wilson)
66121-1 W.
W. SHOLS Robot Threat: New York (PR-none given) and HANS KNEIFEL Atlan
#3: Pale Country Pursuit (listed as a Special Release volume; cover
by George Wilson)
HANS KNEIFEL (1936-2012) was a German sf author who published his
first novel in 1956, wrote over 80 Perry Rhodan books, and wrote
numerous tales in many other shared-world franchises.
66128-9 K.
H. SCHEER Atlan #4: The Crystal Prince (PR-none given) and CLARK
DARLTON (aka Walter Ernsting) Atlan #5: War of the Ghosts
(cover by George Wilson)
(back cover)
These ACE doubles, single cover format, were published from March
1977 to December 1977.
From the ACE SINGLES series
Abbreviations used below (PR-109 = Perry Rhodan #109); five-digit ACE
series number in parentheses after PR notation (i.e., PR-032 (66015)).
Note that this series is arranged in order of the Perry Rhodan story
number and not the ACE five-digit printing schedule (far too bloody
complicated and confusing).
In addition, the issue of "Paperback Original" (PBO) and "first
printing" (United States or ACE) raises its head with these
volumes. Originally printed in digest form in Germany, I am being very
conservative with my notation on publication history. For the Perry
Rhodan published by ACE, I will indicate printing history where I can
find it. Thus, when I notate the volume as PBO - I am indicating that
this appears to be an ACE first publication of this story in paperback
form. If any users of the ACE IMAGE LIBRARY find a more precise way of
defining this, please let me know.
(Thank you David) has supplied further information concerning some of the
early ACE single PERRY RHODAN volumes. The ACE edition of the series for
the first five volumes actually were TWO stories under a single cover and
Thus, PR-001 Enterprise: Stardust contains "Enterprise:
Stardust" by K. H. Scheer and "The Third Power" by Walter
PR-002 The Radiant Dome contains "The Radiant Dome" by K.
H. Scheer and "Twilight of the Gods" by Walter Ernsting.
PR-003 Galactic Alarm contains "Galactic Alarm" by Kurt
Mahr and "The Mutant Corps" by W. W. Shols.
PR-004 Invasion From Space contains "Invasion From Space"
by Walter Ernsting and "Base on Venus" by Kurt Mahr.
PR-005 The Vega Sector contains "Space Battle in the Vega
Sector" by K. H. Scheer and "Mutants in Action" by Kurt Mahr.
ACE, for whatever reason, did not credit the authors of the individual
stories in these early doubles. This resulted initially in a
difference between the American numbering scheme (PR-series) and the
German digest number of four (4). This difference increased to five (5)
when ACE told FORREST J. ACKERMAN that they did not believe that the "The
Wasp Men Attack" would be a story that would sell books. [Indeed,
there is a lack of action scenes in the story itself, but it does close
out the story in a peaceful manner, something that was quite noticeably
different from the standards of SF at the time.] The numbering difference
increased to six (6) with the publication of the 5th double.
In addition, ACE skipped the German digest stories between ACE PR-014
and PR-015 and ACE PR-023 and PR-024. The numbering difference between the
ACE editions and the German digests would be eight (8) for the
remainder of the ACE publication history.
The "lost stories" (skipped initially by ACE) would then be known as the
"Special Release volume" put out near the end of the ACE
publication run (these were mostly done in the ACE DOUBLES format). The
following are those "lost stories" and the approximate numbering location
(based upon ACE PR-series numbers).
66098-3 "The
Wasp Men Attack" by W. W. Shols would then become 4a.
66099-1 "Menace
of Atomigeddon" by Kurt Mahr would become 14a.
66121-1 "Robot
Threat: New York" by W. W. Shols would become 23a.
---- And you thought the five digit numerical series numbering scheme by
ACE Books was complicated!
PR - 001 (65970) K. H. SCHEER
& WALTER ERNSTING Enterprise Stardust (1969; PBO)
PR-001 (back
PR - 002 (65971) K. H. SCHEER
& WALTER ERNSTING The Radiant Dome (cover by Gray
Morrow; 1969; PBO)
PR-002 (back
cover art by Gray Morrow (image size 15" x 22" on board; mixed
PR - 003 (65995) KURT MAHR
& W. W. SHOLS Galactic Alarm (cover by Gray Morrow;
1974; 3rd ACE printing)
KURT MAHR Invasion From Space
PR - 005 (65974) K. H. SCHEER
& KURT MAHR The Vega Sector (1970: PBO)
Update Note: One of the ACE IMAGE LIBRARY
users (who is more familiar with this genre than I am) has supplied
information concerning the cover art of the early part of this series. It
appears that the first printing of ACE PR volumes 6 to 13 used the
original German covers for the series instead of Gray Morrow covers. Gray
Morrow cover art was used on the later volumes and second printings. By
the third printing all of ACE Perry Rhodan volumes 6 to 10 had been
replaced by Gray Morrow covers (volumes 11 to 13 never reached a 3rd
printing and thus did not have new Morrow cover art). The artist on the
German covers was Johnny Bruck, who actually produced most of the covers
for the first 1800 issues of the series. Sandy Huffaker (artist) did not
produce cover art for this series and is only attributed to interior
illustrations for the Ace printings. [Thank you David for your
PR - 006 (65975) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) The Secret of the Time Vault (1971;
German Digest cover for ACE
first edition. Corresponds to the German #12 Perry Rhodan edition.
Notice how the artwork has been clipped for the ACE edition.
PR-006 (65998) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Secret of the Time Vault (cover by
Gray Morrow; later printing - probably 3rd ACE printing)
PR - 007 (65976) K. H. SCHEER Fortress
of the Six Moons (1971; PBO)
PR-007 (back
German Digest
cover for ACE first edition. Corresponds to the German #13 Perry
Rhodan edition. Notice how the artwork has been clipped for the ACE
PR - 008 (65977) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) The Galactic Riddle (1971; PBO)
German Digest cover for ACE
first edition. Corresponds to the German #14 Perry Rhodan edition.
Notice how the artwork has been clipped for the ACE edition.
PR - 009 (66109) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) Quest Through Space and Time (cover
by Johnny Bruck and interior illustration by Sandy
Huffaker; 1974; 2nd ACE printing)
PR-009 (back
German Digest
cover for ACE first edition. Corresponds to the German #15 Perry
Rhodan edition. Notice how the artwork has been clipped for the ACE
PR - 010 KURT MAHR The
Ghosts of Gol (1971; PBO)
Now, just for fun - let us look at how many people go into making
this series. For PR-010 we have Donald A. Wollheim (editor), Forrest J.
Ackerman (managing editor), Wendayne Ackerman (translator), Charles
Volpe (art director), and Sandy Huffaker (illustrations for this novel).
FORREST J. ACKERMAN (1916-2008) was a long-time science fiction
fan, editor, and agent who was uniquely famous for being a fan and
collector. "Forry" received the first Hugo presented, as '#1 Fan
Personality' in 1953. In addition, he coined and popularized (alas)
the term 'sci-fi' from 1954; edited Famous Monsters of Filmland
for 25 years from 1958; popularized the "Perry Rhodan" series in the
United States, and was lavishly supportive to generations of fans in
both America and Britain.
German Digest cover for ACE
first edition. Corresponds to the German #16 Perry Rhodan edition.
Notice how the artwork has been clipped for the ACE edition.
PR - 011 (65980) KURT MAHR The
Planets of the Dying Sun (1972; PBO)
German Digest cover for ACE
first edition. Corresponds to the German #17 Perry Rhodan edition.
Notice how the artwork has been clipped (and slightly modified - see
horizon and peaks) for the ACE edition.
PR - 012 (65981) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) The Rebels of Tuglan (includes
interior illustrations by Gray Morrow; 1972; PBO)
PR - 013 (65982) K. H. SCHEER The
Immortal Unknown (1972; PBO)
PR - 014 (65983) KURT MAHR Venus
In Danger (1974: 2nd ACE printing)
Walter Ernsting) Escape To Venus (1972; 2nd ACE printing)
This edition includes FORREST J.
ACKERMAN'S Scientifilm World.
PR - 016 W. W. SHOLS Secret
Barrier X (1974: PBO)
PR-016 (back
PR - 017 KURT MAHR The
Venus Trap (1974; 2nd ACE printing)
This edition includes FORREST J.
ACKERMAN'S Scientifilm World and GARRETT P. SERVISS Pursuit
to Mars.
PR - 018 (66118) KURT MAHR Menace
of the Mutant Master (1972; second printing)
This edition includes FORREST J. ACKERMAN'S Scientifilm
World, a continuation of the serial by GARRETT P. SERVISS
Pursuit to Mars, and two shock (?) shorts (whatever this means)
PR - 019 (65990) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) Mutants vs. Mutants (1972; PBO)
This edition includes a serial sequel to H. G. WELLS War of
the Worlds
Walter Ernsting) The Thrall of Hypno (cover by Gray
Morrow; 1972; PBO)
This edition includes H. G. WELL'S Things to
Come Revisited
PR - 021 (66004) K. H. SCHEER The
Cosmic Decoy (1973; PBO)
This edition includes RAY BRADBURY'S Fahrenheit
Chronicles, a continuation of a Martian serial, and two shock (?)
shorts (whatever this means)
PR - 022 (66005) KURT MAHR The
of the Springers (1973; PBO)
PR - 023 (66006) KURT MAHR Peril
Ice Planet (1973; PBO)
PR - 024 (66007) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) Infinity Flight (1973; PBO)
cover art by Gray Morrow (image size 24" x 30" on board; acrylic
on board).
PR - 025 (66008) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) Snowman in Flames (cover by
Gray Morrow; June 1973; PBO)
PR - 026 (66009) KURT BRAND Cosmic
Traitor (1973; PBO)
PR - 027 (66010) KURT MAHR Planet
of the Gods (1973; PBO)
PR - 028 (66011) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) The Plague of Oblivion (1973; PBO)
PR - 029 (66012) CLARK DARLTON
(aka Walter Ernsting) A World Gone Mad (1973; PBO)
PR - 030 (66013) KURT MAHR To
Arkon! (1973: PBO)
PR-031 (66014) K. H. SCHEER Realm
of the Tri-Planets (1973; PBO)
PR-032 (66015) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Challenge of the Unknown (cover by Gray
Morrow; 1973; PBO)
Original cover art
by Gray Morrow (image size 25" x 20" on board)
AIL wishes to thank Mr. H. Freihoff for the high quality image he
PR-033 (66016) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Giant's Partner (1973; PBO)
PR-034 (66017) KURT BRAND SOS:
Spaceship Titan! (cover by Gray Morrow; 1973; PBO)
PR-035 (66018) KURT MAHR Beware
the Microbots (1973; PBO)
This volume includes FORREST J. ACKERMAN'S Scientifilm
World, and a continuation of the serial Cosmos
PR-036 (66019) K. H. SCHEER Man
Monster (1973: PBO)
PR-037 (66020) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Epidemic Center: Aralon (1974; PBO)
PR-038 (66021) KURT BRAND Project:
Earthsave (1974; PBO)
This edition includes JOHN W. CAMPBELL, JR.'S Cosmos!
PR-039 (66022) KURT MAHR The
of Gom (cover by Gray Morrow; 1974; PBO)
Walter Ernsting) Red Eye of Betelgeuse (February 1974; PBO)
Conclusion of JOHN CAMPBELL'S short story Interference
on Luna.
PR-041 (66024) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Earth Dies (1974; PBO)
PR-042 (66025) K. H. SCHEER Time's
Lonely One (1974; PBO)
This volume includes contination of the Cosmos
serial and two SF short stories
cover art by Gray Morrow (image size 24" x 30"; acrylic on
PR-043 (66026) KURT BRAND Life
(1974; PBO)
PR-044 (66027) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Pseudo One (1974; PBO)
Although the cover art of PR-043,
PR-044, PR-047 and PR-048 looks like Gray Morrow, I have been informed
that ACE Books used a different artist who tried to copy Mr. Morrow's
style, but couldn't quite do it. It appears to be the same artist on
these four issues as the style appears to be the same - note the way the
alien in the spacesuit is shooting his weapon on #43 and #48. There is a
signature, but no attribution, on #43 and #44, and I cannot read the
signature. There is no signature or attribution on #47 and #48.
Thank you David for the additional information.
PR-045 (66028) KURT MAHR Unknown
Sector: Milky Way (cover by Gray Morrow; May 1974; PBO)
Original cover art by
Gray Morrow. This volume includes FORREST J. ACKERMAN'S
Scientifilm World, and a short story by RAY PALMER Cosmos
PR-046 (66029) K. H. SCHEER Again:
Atlan! (1974; PBO)
PR-047 (66030) KURT BRAND Shadow
the Mutant Master (1974;
cover art for Shadow of
the Mutant Master. Image size 15" x 22." Mixed media on
heavy illustration board. If anyone can provide an attribution for
this, please drop me an e-gram.
PR-048 (66031) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Dead Live (1974; PBO)
This edition includes A. MERRITT'S The Wrongness of
PR-049 (66032) KURT MAHR Solar
Assassins (July 1974; PBO)
PR-050 (66033) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Attack From the Unseen (1974; PBO)
Golden Anniversary Issue
PR-051 (66034) KURT MAHR Return
From the Void (cover by Gray Morrow; 1974; PBO)
Original cover art by
Gray Morrow (image size 25" x 20" mixed media on heavy illustration
This volume includes the conclusion of "Doc" SMITH'S
chapter of Cosmos
PR-052 (66035) K. H. SCHEER Fortress
Atlantis (1974; PBO)
This edition includes P. SCHUYLER MILLER'S Fate of the
Walter Ernsting) Spybot! (1974: PBO)
This edition concludes P. SCHUYLER MILLER'S Fate
of the Neptunians
PR-054 KURT MAHR The Blue
Dwarfs (1974: PBO)
Walter Ernsting) The Micro-Techs (cover
by Gray Morrow; 1974; PBO)
Original preliminary cover art for The
Micro-Techs. Image size 5" x 8." Mixed media on heavy
illustration board. Signed lower right.
Walter Ernsting) Prisoner of Time (1974: PBO)
This edition includes serialization of EANDO
BINDER'S Lost in Alien Dimensions (c. 1934)
PR-057 (66040) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) A Touch of Eternity (1974; PBO)
This volume includes FORREST J. ACKERMAN'S Scientifilm
World "Project Moonbase" (c. 1953), Twice Removed
(c. 1973) by R. Michael Rosen and Parasite Lost by Raymond James
PR-058 KURT MAHR (66041) The
Guardians (cover by Gray
Morrow; 1974; PBO)
This volume includes FORREST J. ACKERMAN'S Scientifilm World
"War of the Worlds" (c. 1953) and Pressure Cruise by Andrei Gorbovs
(c. 1972).
PR-059 (66042) KURT BRAND Interlude
on Siliko 5 (1974; PBO)
This volume includes the EDMOND HAMILTON
conclusion of the serial Cosmos
PR-060 (66043) KURT MAHR Dimension
PR-061 (66044) KURT MAHR Death
Waits in Semispace (1975; PBO)
This edition includes WILLIAM ELLERN'S New
PR-061 (back
PR-062 (66045) K. H. SCHEER The
Last Days of Atlantis (1975; PBO)
PR-062 (back
PR-063 (66046) KURT BRAND The
Tigris Leaps (1975; PBO)
PR-063 (back
PR-064 (66047) KURT MAHR The
Ambassadors From Aurigel (1975; PBO)
PR-064 (back
PR-065 (66048) KURT MAHR Renegades
of the Future (cover by Gray Morrow; 1975; PBO)
This volume includes a new "Doc" SMITH New
Lensman serial
Original cover art by
Gray Morrow (image size 19" x 24.5" on board; mixed media)
PR-066 (66050) WILLIAM VOLTZ The
Horror (1975; PBO)
PR-067 (66051) K. H. SCHEER Crimson
Universe (1975; PBO)
This volume includes a short story from the FORREST J.
ACKERMAN'S archives entitled Out Around Rigel
PR-068 (66052) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Under the Stars of Druufon (1975; PBO)
PR-069 (66053) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Bonds of Eternity (1975; PBO)
PR-070 (66054) KURT BRAND
Thora's Sacrifice (1975; PBO)
Original cover art by
Gray Morrow (image size 20" x 30" on board; acrylic)
PR-071 (66055) KURT MAHR The
Atom Hell of Grautier (cover by Gray Morrow; 1975; PBO)
Original cover art
by Gray Morrow ( image size 24" x 17" on board). This
volume includes RAY GALLUN'S On The Moon
PR-072 (66056) KURT MAHR Caves
of the Druufs (1975; PBO)
This volume includes FRANK B. LONG'S Lost Planet
PR-073 (66057) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Spaceship of Ancestors (1975; PBO)
This volume includes RAY CUMMINGS The Man from
PR-074 (66058) KURT MAHR Checkmate:
Universe (1975; PBO)
This volume includes FORREST J. ACKERMAN'S Scientifilm
World and a New Lensman serial
PR-075 (66059) KURT BRAND Planet
Topide, Please Reply! (1975; PBO)
This volume includes FORREST J. ACKERMAN'S commentary
on Metropolis
PR-076 (66060) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Recruits For Arkon (1975; PBO)
PR-077 (66061) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Conflict Center: Naator (1975; PBO)
This edition begins RAY CUMMING'S Man on
the Meteor
PR-078 (66062) K. H. SCHEER Power
Key (1975; PBO)
PR-079 (66063) WILLIAM VOLTZ The
Sleepers (1975; PBO)
PR-080 (66064) K. H. SCHEER The
Columbus Affair (1975; PBO)
Japanese edition #80
coresponds to German issues #156 and #160 (no English equivalent) for
the 4th cycle of Perry Rhodan stories called "The Second Empire."
Cover artist signature (difficult to provide proper spelling) in lower
left corner.
Japanese covers courtesy of H. Freihoff and Japanese edition
correspondence courtesy of D. Crowley.
PR-081 (66065) KURT BRAND Pucky's
Greatest Hour (1975; PBO)
This edition concludes RAY CUMMING'S The Man
on the Meteor
cover art by Gray Morrow (image size 20" x 30" acrylic on
PR-082 (66066) KURT BRAND Atlan
In Danger (1975; PBO)
This edition includes NAT SCHACHNER'S The Shining One
PR-083 (66067) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Ernst Ellert Returns! (cover by Gray
Morrow; 1975; PBO)
PR-084 (66068) WILLIAM VOLTZ Secret
Mission: Moluk (cover by Gray Morrow; 1975; PBO)
This volume includes OLAF STAPLEDON'S commentary on
H. G. WELLS Star-Begotten
PR-085 (66069) KURT MAHR Enemy
the Dark (1975; PBO)
PR-086 (66070) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Blazing Sun (1976; PBO)
Japanese edition #47
contains Enemy in the Dark (PR-085) and Blazing Sun
(PR-086). This edition also conrresponds to the German issues #93 and
Working on tracking down the cover artists for these editions.
Japanese covers courtesy of H. Freihoff (thank you Hartmuth) and
Japanese edition correspondence courtesy of D. Crowley (thank you
PR-087 (66071) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) The Starless Realm (cover by Gray
Morrow; 1976; PBO)
Original cover art by
Gray Morrow ( image size 20" x 15" acrylic on board). This
edition includes DICK WILSON'S Love
PR-088 (66072) K. H. SCHEER The
Mystery of the Anti (cover by
Gray Morrow; February 1976; PBO)
cover art for The
Mystery of the Anti. Image size 20" x 30." Gouache on
PR-089 (66073) KURT BRAND Power's
Price (cover by Gray
Morrow; 1976; PBO)
This volume includes a short story from the FORREST J.
ACKERMAN'S archives entitled 100 Generations
cover art by Gray Morrow for Power's
Price. Image size 20" x 30" on board; acrylic medium.
PR-090 (66074) KURT BRAND Unleashed
Powers (cover by Gray Morrow; 1976; PBO)
This edition includes P. SCHUYLER MILLER'S Spawn
PR-091 (66075) WILLIAM VOLTZ Friend
To Mankind (1976; PBO)
PR-092 (66076) K. H. SCHEER The
Star (1976; PBO)
Japanese edition #50
corresponds to Friend to Mankind (PR-091) and The Target
Star (PR-092). This edition also corresponds to German issues
#99 and #100.
Japanese covers courtesy of H. Freihoff and Japanese edition
correspondence courtesy of D. Crowley.
PR-093 (66077) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Vagabond of Space (cover by Gray Morrow;
1976; PBO)
This edition includes L. RON HUBBARD'S Beyond
All Weapons
cover art for Vagabond
of Space. Acrylic on board painting with overall size of
20" x 30." Signed, right side, by leg.
PR-094 (66078) KURT MAHR Action:
3 (1976; PBO)
PR-095 (66079) KURT MAHR The
Plasma Monster (1976; PBO)
This edition includes the second part of LIL and KRIS
NEVILLE'S Arleen serial
PR-096 (66080) WILLIAM VOLTZ Horn:
Green (1976; PBO)
This editon includes the NEVILLE'S The
Bicentennial Woman
PR-097 (66081) CLARK DARLTON (aka
Walter Ernsting) Phantom Fleet (1976; PBO)
PR-098 (66082) KURT MAHR The
From Passa (cover by Gray Morrow; 1976; PBO)
This edition includes RAY CUMMING'S The
Secret of the Sun
PR-099 (66083) K. H. SCHEER The
System (cover by Gray Morrow; 1976; PBO)
This edition includes OLIVER SAARI'S The
Door and A. MERRITT'S Man & Universe
PR-100 (66084) KURT MAHR Desert
Death's Domain (1976; PBO)
Centennial Issue
PR-100 (back
PR-101 KURT BRAND Blockade:
Lepso (cover by Gray Morrow; 1976; PBO)
This edition includes The Last Men.
of the Antis (1976; PBO)
Walter Ernsting) False Front (1976; PBO)
cover art by Gray Morrow (image size 15" x 20" acrylic on board).
With Two Faces (cover by George Wilson, 1976; PBO)
PR-105 KURT MAHR Wonderflower
Utik (cover by George Wilson; 1976; PBO)
PR-105 (back cover)
This edition includes WILLIAM F. TEMPLE'S Experiment
in Genius.
PR-106 (66090) KURT BRAND Caller
From Eternity (cover by George Wilson; 1976; PBO)
PR-107 (66091) WILLIAM VOLTZ The
Emperor and the Monster (cover by George Wilson; 1977; PBO)
PR-108 K. H. SCHEER Duel
Under the Double Sun (cover by George Wilson; 1977; PBO)
the Center of the Galaxy (cover by George Wilson; c.
1977; January 1978; 1st ACE printing and PBO)
The dedication (on the frontspiece) indicates that this is "The Final
Issue in This Cycle of Perry Rhodan dedicated to Its Original
Co-Creators Walter Ernsting & K. -H. Scheer and Donald A. Wollheim
for Launching RHODAN in America and to the Evergreen Memories of the
Departed Luminous Trio - Thora .... Khrest..... Auris Gova dorani,
Includes the PERRYSCOPE and a STARDUST EDITORIAL "And So We End An Age."
(thank you David) points out that In the Center of the Galaxy
represents a change in the publication history of the Perry Rhodan
universe. When it became clear to the German publishers that they had
a hit upon their hands, they decided to branch out the series. There was
the series Atlan which followed the adventures of an alien who
first appeared in ACE PR-042. They also decided to go after those who
liked to sit down and read a good novel. This led to the creation of
a paperback-format series that - while its stories took place in the
"Perryverse" - did not have to tied into any particular storyline and thus
freed them to explore other stories. In The Center of The Galaxy
was the 11th novel of this side story series.
Last update: 23 February 2017