ANT 207


Class Discussion topic for Monday 24 October 2011
the Ethics of Bioarchaeology today


The instructions for this extra credit opportunity are simple: you are to read the article below (in .pdf format) and summarise your thoughts on its content.  On Monday 24 October 2011 you will discuss your thoughts on the content of this article with a partner and follow the specific instructions below for up to 10 extra credit points.

1)  as you're reading this take notes on the salient (big/main) points in the article

2)  bring your notes to class and be prepared to discuss them with a partner on 24 October

3)  submit your summary of a) main points you discussed with your partner, b) your own impressions/thoughts on the content of the article and c) points of agreement and disagreement you and your partner had while discussing the article in class on Monday the 24th.  This summary should be no more than two pages in length, double-spaced typed text with 1" margins, 12-point font.  Your name, the date and your class section (ANT 207-001 or ANT 207-002) should be in the upper right corner of the paper.  Text should be placed immediately below this header (no extra spaces, please).

4)  print out and turn in by Friday 28 October 2011.  DO NOT E-MAIL THIS EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY.  EITHER TURN IN AT THE END OF CLASS OR BY THE END OF THE DAY ON FRIDAY, BY 5:00 PM.  No hand-written papers will be accepted.  Feel free to slide your completed paper under Professor Simmons's office door (SB&S Room 103) if he is gone for the day on Friday.



Partnerships, Pitfalls, and Ethical Concerns in
International Bioarchaeology

Bethany L. Turner and Valerie A. Andrushko