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Lee Schweninger

Title: Professor
Office: Morton Hall 128
Phone: (910) 962-3539
e-mail: schweningerl@uncwil.edu

Teaching and Research Interests

Lee Schweninger's teaching and research interests include American Indian literature, nature writing, ethnic American literature, early American literature, Romanticism and Realism. Some particular focuses of research have been the Puritan leader John Winthrop; the nineteenth-century novelist, Unitarian minister, and social worker Celia Parker Woolley; and Pulitzer-Prize-winning author N. Scott Momaday. Courses designed and taught include American Indian literatures, ethnic American literature, nature writing, narratives of democracy, and American literature to 1870.

Schweninger serves as coordinator for the Native American Studies Minor. In the spring of 2007, he will serve as the Resident Director for the University of Wales Swansea Study Abroad program: h.edttp://www.uncwu/intprogs/documents/swansea_11-04_000.pdf

Research and Publications


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N. Scott Momaday.  Detroit: Manly, Inc., 2001.

The Writings of Celia Parker Woolley (1848-1918), Literary Activist.  Lewiston: Edwin Mellen P, 1998.

John Winthrop.  Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1990.

Departing Glory: Eight Jeremiads by Increase Mather (with a critical introduction).  Delmar, New York: Scholars' Facsimiles and Reprints, 1986.


"The Toll Road." Holding Common Ground: The Individual and Public Land in the American West. Edited by Paul Lindholdt and Derrick Knowles. Spokane: Eastern Washington University Press, 2005. 92-96.

"Myth Launchings and Moon Landings: Parallel Realities in Susan Power's The Grass Dancer. SAIL: Studies in American Indian Literatures. 16.3 (fall 2004): 47-69.

"Claiming Europe: Native American Literary Responses to the Old World." American Indian Culture and Research Journal 27.2 (fall 2003): 61-76.

with Cara Cilano. "'Going into a Whole Different Country': Post-Colonial 'Nation-hood' and Native American Literature." Beyond the Borders: American Literature and Post-Colonial Theory. Deborah Madsen, Editor. London: Pluto Press, 2003. 31-50.

"Brown's Clotel and the Historicity of the Anecdote."  MELUS (Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States) 24.1 (spring 1999): 21-36.

"Racialism and Liberation in Native American Literature."  Post-Colonial Literatures: Expanding the Canon.  Ed. Deborah L. Madsen.  London: Pluto Press, 1999. 206-17.

 "American Indians and Environmentalism: The Problematics of the Land Ethic Stereotype."  JAST (Journal of American Studies of Turkey) 8 (fall 1998): 3-12.

"Landscape and Cultural Identity in Louis Owens's Wolfsong" SAIL (Studies in American Indian Literatures) 10.2 (summer 1998): 94-110.


"Irony and the 'Balance of Nature on the Ridges' in Mathews's Talking to the Moon."  SAIL (Studies in American Indian Literatures) 9.2 (summer 1997): 41-56.


 Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Off-Campus Faculty Fellowship Award. "Colorado Pioneer Women Research." Summer 2005.

UNCW Research Reassignment Award, Native American Literary Responses to the Landscape, fall 2005.

Fulbright Foreign Scholar, Sts. Cyril and Metodius University, Skopje, Macedonia, 2003-04.

NEH Summer Institute: "Working from the Community: American Indian Art and Literature in a Historical and Cultural Context." The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington, Institute Leader, Gail Tremblay, Summer 2003.