Lecture 4: Gatekeepers (and Editorial Decisions)

I. Publishing House Editors

    A. Queuing Systems

            1. most common: = author-initiated contact

            2. next most common = referral (agent, other pub., house author)

            3. least frequent = editor-initiated contact

    B. Other criteria for publication

            1. Tradition of publishing house

            2. Editor's own tastes

            3. Status

            4. Timing considerations

            5. Financial considerations

    C. Mediator = Gatekeeper; Gatekeeping = Editorial Decisions

II. Art Galleries

    A. Invention Galleries (bringing something new into being)

            1. provide symbolic rewards for the artists

            2. personal ties with the artist

            3. cultural goals

            4. personnel are usually artists themselves

            5. close ties to the artistic community

            6. Betty Parsons (e.g.)

    B. Innovation Galleries (bringing something new into use)

            1. rational economic goals

            2. allocation of monetary rewards for the artists

            3. business personnel

            4. close ties with the institutionalized art market

            5. Sam Kootz (e.g.)

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