Review Sheet for Final Exam: Introduction to Sociology


A. Theories, Definitions, and Concepts (you should know the definitions of the following terms, be able to apply them intelligently, know how they are related to one another, and be able to give examples for them). You will be held responsible for readings since exam #2. See your course outline/syllabus for these. You should be able to make connections between assigned readings (esp. those in Macionis and Benokraitis) and course lectures. The overall logic, as noted, is cumulative; the following provides a guideline for preparation for the cumulative material.


          1. Modern Society (characteristics and impact)

                   a. the three great revolutions

          2. Culture and Social Structure

                   a. what are they? how are they related to one another?

          3. Values, Norms, Sanctions

          4. Status and Role

                   a. role sets

                   b. role strain

                   c. ascribed and achieved status 

          5. Socialization: Mead, and symbolic interaction

          6. Society and the Four Major Institutions

          7. Industrialization

                   a. Social Differentiation

                   b. Specialization, Theories of

                             i. Smith, Durkheim, Marx

                   c. Stratification (Weber, Marx)

          8. The Household Economy and Capitalism

                   a. Characteristics of the household economy

                             i. the 3 essential characteristics of capitalism

                             ii. differences b/w capitalism and household economy

          9. Impact of Specialization on Stratification

                   a. two general views of this impact: Marx, Smith



B. Material Since Exam #2 (same comments as above apply here)

          1. Sociological views of religion: Marx, Durkheim

                   a. Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

                             i. significance of Weber's work; relation to other views

                             ii. Rationalization

                             iii. the "ideal-typical" bureaucracy

                             iv. Scientific Management vs. The Hawthorne Studies

          2. The Chicago School of Sociology

                   a. urbanization

                             i. city "ecology"

                             ii. the city as a troubled place

                   b. deviance and zone 2

                             i. theories of deviance (and theorists)

          3. Modernity, Gender Roles, and Kinship

                   a. changing sex roles; cultural "lag"

                   b. Doing Gender

                   c. changes in key functions

                             1. sexual relations

                             2. household composition

                             3. child-rearing

                   b. lineality, locality & the bureaucratization of the family



C.  Readings (for which you’ll be held responsible):


          1. Text: Pages 222-240; 98-126; Chapter 12

2. Reader:
Betsy Lucal on "Doing Gender"
60 (Weber) “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”
27 (Weber) “The Characteristics of Bureaucracy”
69 (Simmel) “The Metropolis and Mental Life”
70 (Wirth) “Urbanism as a Way of Life”
30 (Durkheim) “Functions of Crime”
31 (Rosenhan) “On Being Sane in Insane Places”
40 (Mead) “Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies”
36 (Carrier) “Homosexual Behavior in Cross-Cultural Perspective”
57 (Bernard) “’His’ and ‘Her’ Marriage”
59 (Ingoldsby) “Mate Selection and Marriage Around the World”



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