Population Dynamics


1. Population Growth


Over 6 billion people today. Doubles every 47 years. Increases by 98 million annually. 90% of annual growth occurs in developing countries, primarily South Asia, Africa and China


U.S., Canada and Europe have small, zero or negative population growth.


Problems with rapid population growth:


·         Infrastructure (roads, sewer, water, electricity, etc..) can’t keep up

·         Lack of jobs, housing, and food

·         The above prevents industrialization and development. Leads to crime and violence.



2. Components of Population Size: Mortality, Fertility and Migration




Industrialization leads to higher life expectancy and lower infant death rates.  Exception – Russia


How does change from high mortality to low mortality affect society?


·         Higher mortality:  “today” mentality
Lower mortality: “tomorrow” mentality. Delay gratification.


·         Higher mortality: Religion needed to explain now and provide hope for future

Lower mortality: Religion needed to provide help now (ex. social services)  





Fertility declines with industrialization:


·         Birth control

·         Decreasing fertility leads to higher per capita GDP

·         More women in workforce and professional occupations

·         Marriage trends

·         Urbanization

·         Role of religion decreases

·         Cost of children increasing 



Problems with low fertility:


·         Social security system


·         Aging work force, but “work” is and will change:


·        Physical work requirements

·        Postpone retirement



Migration: In, out and around


Americans move more than people in other countries – “go west” phenomenon


·         20% move annually

·         1 million immigrants enter U.S. per year

·         10% of population is immigrants

·         4-8 million of immigrant population is illegal



Migration Issues: 


·         Jobs

·         Border Control

·         Proposition 187 and 226 in California