Test 2 Feedback
General Feedback
Average = 83
A’s = 12
B’s = 5
C’s = 3
D’s = 3
F or Below = 1
Question 1
a. Illustrate how each of the causes of social problems (deviant behavior, failing institutions, contrasting subcultures, power) contributes to a social problem of your choice. Hint: You may need to explain why this problem is a social problem.Topics chosen: racism, drug use/dealing, school violence, divorce, pollution
b. Describe the explanations of class inequality provided by functionalist and conflict theory. Be sure to use an example(s).
Functionalism = meritocracy exists, so people choose jobs, and the allocation of money to jobs is 'fair'
Question 2: Using the culture of poverty and structure of poverty theories, describe a program that you think would effectively reduce the number of welfare recipients and the total cost of our national welfare program. Why do you think this program would work? What are the strengths and weaknesses of your plan?
Several people used functionalism/conflict theory instead of culture/structure
preventative programs
getting people to save money
college education - service learning and post grad community placement
change welfare structure so doesn't encourage single motherhood
birth control
more than 2 years to get off the revised program
safety net
education and training programs for mid paying jobs
focus on children, not on parents
Question 3: How do drug charges/convictions/sentences differ for White Americans and African Americans in the U.S.? Why?
If use rates are the same, then charges/convictions/sentences should be the same.
If they differ:
the police must be targeting and labeling
(profiling) African Americans
African Americans must not receive adequate legal representation, dismissal,
plea bargaining, etc.. (sentencing is set) Ex. Jenna Bush
black men are not committing more crime, but
they may be doing it in more public places, such as on the street where it is
easier for CRJ to detect/charge/convict/sentence.
Question 4: Chose a theory of deviance (see table below) that you think best explains why either young people (mostly white, middle-class boys) are killing their classmates and teachers at school, or why young African-American men are killing each other in high numbers. Then answer the following: Why do you think this is the best perspective? how does the theory explains the problem? What preventions stem from this theory?
Control Theory, Conflict Theory, Differential Association, Functionalism
Combination of theories: labeling/conflict, control/functionalism, differential association/control theory
Control Theory: need to get young AA men to value attachment to "legitimate" groups, opportunities in groups, involvement in groups.
Differential Association: young AA men learn violence. This theory points to the need for parents to more closely regulate their children's peer groups. For example, parents need to watch/control their children's potential contact with guns.
Bonus Question: Building on the 'racism and pizza delivery' video clip, imagine that you are a Domino's owner. Would you restrict delivery of pizza's into 'high crime" neighborhoods? Why? What would be the social consequences of your decision? What social influences shape your decision?
Most said they would not send drivers into high crime communities. Most did not interpret this choice as racist. Or as causing a pattern known as institutionalized racism. Some did identify it as "racial."
Social influences: race, class, gender
attract attention: sign on car, uniform, etc.
Use two drivers (pass higher cost on to customer? outcome of this?)
pay delivery people more money for going into high crime areas
No delivery, only pick-up
Meet in different area
Hire community members, possibly even people
identified as at risk.
Work with the community to create a community watch.
Work with the police department in the area. Send police officer on each