SOC 492/496: Practicum in Applied Sociology (6 credits)
Memorandum of Understanding
Applied sociology is the science of using sociology to inform real life social issues. Students with a bachelor’s degree in sociology with an applied concentration learn valuable skills that will be directly transferable in today’s job market. A crucial step in learning how to do applied sociology is completing a practicum. In a practicum, students gain hands on experience in applying sociology by working with clients in the local community on specific social problems and issues. While completing the practicum, students also acquire job contacts and learn how to market themselves. In short, practicums help make sociology practical and economically rewarding and they provide an opportunity to make a difference in the real world.
Examples of Projects
Sociological Data Analysis (SOC 300) Applied Sociology Seminar (SOC 310/390)
Methods of Social Research (SOC 301) Social Theory (SOC 360)
Junior or senior standing Instructor consent
Submission of a practicum proposal in the semester prior to the practicum.
Course Requirements
1. Students receive advice and support from the faculty practicum coordinator as well as the other practicum students in a weekly three hour seminar. During this time students also learn about job opportunities and how to market themselves.
2. For approximately 18 hours each week outside of class, the student works on providing an answer to the client’s problem/issue. This work includes reading published materials on related topics, designing the study, collecting data, analyzing and interpretating data, and writing reports. With the exception of collecting data, most of the practicum work occurs in the student’s "office", at home, the library, and computer labs. However, the student needs to communicate with their client regularly and possibly work with the client at the client’s workplace occasionally.
SOC 492/496 Proposal Practicum in Applied Sociology
Student Name ____________________________________________
Student ID _______________________________________________
Student Phone #___________________________________________
Student e-mail_____________________________________________
Semester SOC 496 to be taken_________________
Prerequisites completed? YES NO
Sociological Data Analysis (SOC 300)
Methods of Social Research (SOC 301)
Applied Sociology Seminar (SOC 310/390)
Social Theory (SOC 360)
Type a one to two page proposal describing the project.* Indicate the following:
*Proposals written in the Applied Sociology Seminar can substitute.