Select Curriculum Vitae


Lisa Pollard

Associate Professor of History

The University of North Carolina, Wilmington

601 S. College Road

Wilmington North Carolina, 28403

(910) 962-3309



Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1997


Recent Publications:


-“In the Shadow of Lady Egypt:  Amateur Historians, the Woman Question and the Production of Modern History in turn-of-the-twentieth century Cairo,” Pamela Nadell and Katherine Hollbrook, eds., Engendering Women’s History (New York:  New York University Press, forthcoming).


“From Husbands and Housewives to Suckers and Whores:  Marital-Political Anxieties in the ‘House of Egypt,’ 1919-1948,” in K.H. Adler and Carrie Hamilton, eds., Homes and Homecomings:  Gendered Histories of Domesticity and Return (London:  Wiley Blackwell, 2010).


“From Husbands and Housewives to Suckers and Whores:  Marital-Political Anxieties in the ‘House of Egypt,’ 1919-1948” Gender and History, Vol. 21, No. 3, November 2009, 647-669.


“The Egyptian Uprising of1919,” in Encyclopedia of Women in World History (Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2007), 2:  168-9.


-“Family Follies,” in International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 39, No. 4, November 2007, 22-35.


-Nurturing the Nation: The Family Politics of Modernizing, Colonizing and Liberating Egypt, 1805-1923 (Berkeley: The University of California Press, 2005)


-“Learning Gendered Modernity: The Home, The Family and the Schoolroom in the Construction of Century Egyptian National Identity (1885-1919),” in Amira Sonbol, ed., Beyond the Exotic: Women’s Histories in Early Islamic Societies (Syracuse, NY:  Syracuse University Press, 2005).


-“Working by the Book:  Houses, Homes and Modernity in nineteenth-century Egypt,” in Relli Shecter, ed., Transitions in Domestic Consumption and Family Life in the Modern Middle East: Houses in Motion (New York and London:  Palgrave Press, 2004.)


-Families of a New World:  Gender, Politics and State-Building in Global Perspective, co-edited with Lynne Haney (New York:  Routledge Press, 2003).


“Egypt: Early Twentieth-Century –Present,” in Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures, Vol. I, Methodologies, Paradigms, Sources (Leiden:  Brill Press, 2002), 204-7.


-“The Habits and Customs of Modernity: State Scholarship, Foreign Travel and the Construction of New Egyptian Nationalism,” Arab Studies Journal, VII:2  Fall 1999/Spring 2000,  52-74.


-“The Family Politics of Colonizing and Liberating Egypt (1882-1919), Social Politics, Vol. VII, Spring 2000, 47-79.



Works in Progress:


“Egyptian by Association: The Social Network and the Nation, 1882-1939.”  This is a book-length manuscript about the rise and proliferation of philanthropic associations and their role in community and nation building in Egypt under British colonial rule and its immediate aftermath.  The project is based on Egyptian archival sources.


“Making the Sudanese Mahdi ‘Arab.’” This is a book-length manuscript about British and local constructions of race in Sudan under Ottoman-Egyptian and British colonial rule.  The project examines how interpretations of an anti-imperial uprising in late-nineteenth Sudan was interpreted by both the British and the Egyptians in ways that lead to the use of race as a means of separating and governing populations in Egypt and the Sudan.





-Associate Professor of History, the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, 2003-


-Assistant Professor of History, the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, 1997-2003


-Lecturer, Leland Stanford Junior University, Winter Quarter, 1996



Recent Fellowships, Grants and Awards


-Janet Mason Ellerby Women’s and Gender Studies Scholarly Award, 2011


-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, 2010 Faculty Award


-UNCW Summer Research Initiative, 2010


-UNCW Cahill Award, 2010


-Sons of the American Revolution Medal for Good Citizenship, Summer 2009


-UNCW Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence, Spring 2008


-UNCW Exemplary Post-Tenure Review, Spring 2008


-UNCW Cahill Award, Summer 2008.


-UNCW History Department, Mosely Award, Spring 2008.


-National Endowment for the Humanities Grant for research at the American Research Center in   Egypt, 2005-2006


 -UNCW Faculty Research Initiatives Award, Summer 2005


-UNCW Faculty Research Reassignment, Fall 2004


-Andrew W. Mellon Seed-Grant for research in Egypt, 2001


-Center for Arabic Study Abroad, Faculty Fellowship, Summer 2001


-UNCW Mosely Fellowship for Summer Research, May 2001


-UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence Fellowship for Curricular Development, Summer 2001



Elected Positions


-Governing Board Member, Middle East Studies Association of America (MESA), 2005-2008 term


-Governing Board member, Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Seminar (SERMEISS) 2006-2008 term



Recent Appointments:


-Scholar in Residence, the American Research Center in Egypt, 2005-2006.


-Committee on Academic Freedom in the Middle East and North Africa (CAFMENA), Middle East Studies Association of America, 2005-2006 term.


-Visiting Scholar, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley, Fall 2004


-Book Review Editor, Hawwa:  Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, Brill Press (2001-2008)


-Speaker, North Carolina Humanities Council Speakers’ Forum, 1999-2006.


-Co-chair, Minor in Middle East Studies, University of North Carolina, Wilmington (current)




Recent Book Reviews:


-Heather Sharkey, American Evangelicals in Egypt:  Missionary Encounters in the Age of Empire (Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 2008), The American Historical Review, 115: 2 (April 2010), 642-3.


--Cathlyn Mariscotti, Gender and Class in the Egyptian Women’s Movement, 1929-1935:  Changing Perspectives (Syracuse:  Syracuse University Press, 2008) in Middle East Journal 64: 2 (November, 2010), 306-7.


-Janice Boddy, Civilizing Women:  British Crusades in Colonial Sudan (Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 2007) in Journal of Social History (forthcoming).


-Elliott Colla, Conflicted Antiquities:  Egyptology, Egyptomania, Egyptian Modernity (Durham, NC and London:  Duke University Press, 2007), International Journal of Middle East Studies, 41: 4 (2009), 695-97.


-Omnia al-Shakry, The Great Social Laboratory:  Subjects of Knowledge in Colonial and Postcolonial Egypt (Stanford:  Stanford University Press, 2007), Arab Studies Journal, 17: 1 (2009), 169-173.


-Amy Singer, Charity in Islamic Societies (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2008), The English Historical Review (forthcoming).


-Iris Agmon, Family and Court:  Legal Culture and Modernity in Late Ottoman Palestine (Syracuse:  Syracuse University Press, 2006), MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies (Fall 2007).


-Yasir Suleiman and Ibrahim Muhaiwi, eds. Literature and Nation in the Middle East (Edinburgh:  Edinburgh University Press, 2006), Nations and Nationalisms, 13: 3 (July 2007), 551-2.


-Anna M. Agathangelou, The Global Political Economy of Sex: Desire, Violence, Insecurity in Mediterranean Nation States (New York:  Palgrave Macmillan, 2004), International Journal of Middle East Studies, 38: 01 (February, 2006), 151-153


-Beshara Doumani, ed. Family History in the Middle East: Household, Property and Gender (New York:  State University of New York Press, Albany, 2003), Social History (31:2), May 2006, 228-9.

-(Film review) Yulie Cohen Gerstel, “My Terrorist,” in Hawwa: Journal of Women in the Middle East and Islamic Societies, 3:2 (2005), 279-283


 -(Film review) Michal Aviad, “For My Children, “ in Hawwa: Journal of Women in the Middle East and Islamic Societies, 3:2 (2005), 279-283


-Nadje al-Ali, Secularism, Gender and the State in the Middle East: The Egyptian Women’s Movement (New York:  Cambridge University Press, 2000) in Mesa Bulletin (2005).


 -Feride Acar and Ayse Gunes-Ayata, eds. Gender and Identity Construction: Women of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Turkey (Leiden:  Brill Press, 2000), for Hawwa:  Journal of Women in the Middle East and Islamic Societies 1:3 (2003): 383-386


-Hamani Bannerji, Shahrzad Mojab and Judith Whitehead, eds., Of Property and Propriety:  The Role of Gender and Class in Imperialism and Nationalism (Toronto:  The University of Toronto Press, 2001), for H-Net Gender (September, 2003)


-Fatma Muge Gocek, ed. Political Cartoons in the Middle East (Princeton, NJ:  Markus Weiner Publishers, 1998), in Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, 35 (2001) 58


-Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid Marsot, Women and Men in Late Eighteenth-Century Egypt (Austin:  University of Texas Press, 1995), in International Journal of Middle East Studies 33 (2001): 303-305


-Sunita Mehta, ed. Women for Afghan Women:  Shattering Myths and Claiming the Future (New York:  Palgrave Press, 2002), Hawwa 1:3 (2003): 390-392





Recent  Conference Presentations:

-“Egyptian by Association:  The State and Its Societies, 1885-1950” given at Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar, UNC Chapel Hill, February 6, 2010


-“Making the Sudanese ‘Mahdi’ Arab: British Constructions of Race in the Mahdi’s Sudan,” given at a conference in honor of Barbara Daly Metcalf, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 12, 2009


-Egyptian Between “Arab” and “Turk:” The British and Constructions of Racial Identity in Egyptian Colonial Sudan (1881-1898), Middle East Studies Association of America, November 21, 2009


-“Manly Married Men in Egypt’s Inter-Revolutionary Period,” given at Sarah Lawrence College, March 7, 2009.

-“Gama`iyya Space in Turn-of-the-Twentieth-Century Cairo,” give at Middle East Studies Association of America, November 22, 2008.

-“From Housewives and Husbands to Cuckolds and Whores:  Crisis in the ‘House of Egypt,’ (1919-1948), given at Homes and Homecomings, Nottingham University, England, March 26-28, 2008.

-“From Contract to Crisis:  Marriage and the Egyptian National Family, 1919-1952,” given at Framings: Rethinking Arab Family Projects, The Arab Families Working Group, Cairo, Egypt, March 17-18, 2007.

-“The Cuckold of Tel Aviv, the Rich Woman’s Boyfriend and The Skinny Lady:  Emasculated Married Men in Inter-War Egypt,” given at Middle East Studies Association of America, annual meeting, November 18-22 2006.

-“Making the Sudanese Mahdi ‘Arab,’ Middle East Studies Association of America, annual meeting, November 17-20, 2005

-“A Tale of Two Mahdis: Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and the Sudanese Mahdist Uprising (1881-1885).  A Study in Race, Class and Memory,” given at the Southeast Regional Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Seminar, Charleston, South Carolina, March 11-13, 2005

- “Manly Men or Colonized Effiminates: Masculinity in Egypt’s Struggle for Independence,” given for Beth Baron, convener, Gendering Middle East History, Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center, CUNY, December 12, 2003


Recent Invited Lectures:


--“Muslim Women Between Fantasy and Reality,” Davidson College, February 4, 2010.


--“Making the Sudanese Mahdi ‘Arab,’” NYU, April 5, 2010


--“From Housewives and Husbands to Suckers and Whores,” University of Pennsylvania, April 6, 2010


--Egyptian Writers on ‘The Woman Question’: Liberators or Unwitting Oppressors,” given at the University of Dayton, October 24, 2008.


--“From Housewives and Husbands to Cuckolds and Whores:  Crisis in the ‘House of Egypt,’ (1919-1948), given at the University of Arkansas, April 2008.


-“J.S. Mill and the Ironies of Empire:  Making Egyptian Women ‘Productive,’” given at Dayton University, 20 September, 2007.


-“Reflections on the Arab Israeli Crisis,” given at the United States Navel Academy, September 11, 2007.


-“Egyptian by Associations:  People’s Movements and the Cultivation of National Ideals, 1885-1939,” given at the Center for Middle East Studies, University of California, Berkeley, March 1, 2007.


-“Gender and the Marital-Political Contract in Inter-Revolutionary Egypt:  From Emancipation to Emasculation,” given at the University of South Carolina, November 6, 2006


- “Egyptian Familial: The “Gama`iyyaat Ahliyya” in Egypt’s Inner-Revolutionary Era, 1923-1952,” given at the American Research Center in Egypt, May 17, 2006


-“A Tale of Two Mahdis: Conversations Across History and the Construction on an ‘Arab’ Caliph,” given for the Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences’ Lecture Series, The American University in Cairo, April 12, 2006


-“My House and Yours: The Gendered Politics of British Occupation and Egyptian Resistance, 1882-1923,” given for the departments of History and Women’s Studies, Tel Aviv University December 20, 2005




Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian Colloquial Arabic), French, Spanish.


Book-Manuscripts and Proposals Reviewed for


Oxford University Press, Duke University Press, University Press of Florida, Palgrave Press, the National Endowment for the Humanities, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Arab Studies Journal, Journal of Women’s History, Journal of the History of Sexuality, Journal of the History of Childhood, Journal of Social History, Women Make Movies


Memberships in Professional Organizations


Middle East Studies Association of America, the American Historical Association, Southeast Middle East and Islamic Studies Association, Muslim Networks Consortium, Carolina Seminar in Comparative Islamic Studies