Spring 2005
INSTRUCTOR: Stephen McNamee, Ph.D.
OFFICE: 147 Bear Hall
OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am-11:00am
other times by appointment or by chance
HOME: 763-2160
TEXTBOOKS: The Meritocracy Myth by Stephen J. McNamee and Robert K. Miller, Jr. 2004. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (Also available on-line for this course)
Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes by Martin Marger. 2003. 2nd Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill
Welcome to Social Classes! This course is about who gets what of what there is to get by way of wealth, prestige, and power. Social stratification is a central fact of social life. The class position of people in the United States has much to do with their choice of career, who they will marry, the location and kind of residence they will live in, the amount and quality of education they and their children will obtain, who their friends and personal contacts are, their general standard of living, their manner of dress, topics of conversation, types of leisure activities, etc.. In short, social class has a profound impact on a person’s life circumstances, attitudes, and behavior.
This course will explore these dimensions of social stratification over time and across societies, with particular emphasis on contemporary inequality in the United States. How are wealth, power, and status distributed? What constitutes a social class and how do classes form? How do individuals move up and down within the system? What role do key social institutions, including the family, the labor market, government, and the school system play in effecting life chances?
The pre-requisite for this course is SOC 105 (Introduction to Sociology). By enrolling in this course, you are assuming responsibility for having satisfied this pre-requisite.
In a general way, my hope for you in this course is that you become more sophisticated and knowledgeable about how the system of inequality works. All of us confront the fact of social inequality in dramatic ways throughout our lives. As in all aspects of social life, it is better to operate from an informed perspective rather than an uniformed one. By knowing how the system “works,” you are in a better position to “work” the system. This applies to both making decisions in your own life and decisions that you make which may affect others.
Second, as we shall learn in this course, the ability to “hold forth” and be conversant in a wide range of topics is part of the “cultural capital” you should acquire with a college education that enhances your power, prestige, and earnings potential. The essential subject matter of stratification (who gets what and how much) and related issues (e.g., the American Dream, mobility, inheritance, merit, luck, welfare, affirmative action, poverty, discrimination etc.) are often major topics of everyday conversation. I would hope that as a result of completing this course, you will be able to address these issues with confidence and be able to apply what you have learned in the class in your personal life and in society as a whole.
What you can expect from me:
· Class starting on time and ending on time
· Prepared for every class
· Material presented in an understandable and interesting way
· Willingness to entertain questions and different points of view
· Reasonable turnaround on returning tests and assignments
· Fair and impartial grading
· Honesty and integrity
· Prompt reply to email
· Treat you with respect and courtesy
· Individual assistance upon request
In return, what I expect from you:
· Come to class regularly and on time
· Come to class prepared
· Be attentive and engaged
· Complete assignments when they are due
· Solid preparation for tests
· Honesty and integrity
· Check your university email regularly
· Treat other students and me with respect and courtesy
· Seek assistance when you need it
Your final grade for the course will be based on the following:
First Test |
25% |
Second Test |
25% |
Final Exam |
25% |
Paper |
25% |
Class Attendance |
Required |
Class Participation |
Extra Credit |
100% |
Each exam covers a separate section of material. Test questions will come from both the readings and class activities. You are responsible for all the material in the readings including that which is not covered in class as well as material presented in class above and beyond what is included in the text.
A general rule of thumb is that one-third of the test material comes from the text not covered in class, one-third from material presented in class that is not covered in the text, and one third is reinforcement between the two.
In short, there are no short-cuts; you have to get to both the text and classroom presentations to be adequately prepared for tests.
For this course, you are required to write a 7-10 page paper (2,500 – 4000 words) analyzing your own social class background from a sociological perspective drawing specifically on themes, concepts, evidence, and theories covered in this course. Your paper will be assessed according to your ability to integrate material from this course into your analysis. To view the directions for the paper assignment, click on Paper Assignment below:
Class Attendance:
Regular attendance is critical to getting the most out of this course. If you are not in class you will miss important material not covered in the text including lectures, class discussions, demonstrations, exercises, films, etc.. In short, you are expected to attend class regularly, actively participate in class discussions and in-class projects, and complete assignments when they are due.
I will allow three absences without penalty. After three absences, I will deduct one point from your course average for each additional absence. Excused absences for just cause (e.g. hospitalization, incarceration) require written documentation.
Class begins on time and ends on time. In order to be counted as “present” for class on any particular day, you must be on time for class and remain for the entire class period.
Class Participation:
I will consider the quality and quantity of class participation as extra credit in deciding your final grade worth up to a half a letter grade in your final grade.
Freedom of Expression:
Freedom of expression is actively encouraged in this class. I strongly believe that the university is and ought to be the marketplace of ideas and I encourage vigorous intellectual debate among opposing viewpoints. Therefore, I welcome the expression of different points of view in class.
Debate on ideas and issues is part of the learning process but personal or ad hominem attacks will not be tolerated.
Other rude or discourteous behavior that is disruptive to the learning process of other students such as coming to class late, leaving early, having your cell phone or beeper sound, etc. will also not be tolerated. If your cell phone or beeper sounds during class, you will be asked to leave and you will be counted as absent for that class period.
Let’s work together to create a positive learning environment in which all class members’ comments and interests are listened to and respected.
Make-Up Tests:
You are expected to take tests on the assigned days.
Make up tests are given only if you (a) have just cause (e.g. hospitalization; incarceration), (b) notify me in advance, and (c) provide written documentation.
All make up tests are given on the day of the final exam. If you are absent on the day of the final exam with just cause, you must contact me personally to make other arrangements.
Your grade for this course is entirely performance driven based on your demonstrated comprehension, understanding, retention, and command of the material presented in this course.
I use the "criterion" system of grading which means that if you demonstrate a certain level of knowledge of the material, then you earn the appropriate grade. There is no fixed “curve” as such. In other words, I do not have a "quota" of As, Bs, Cs and so on. Theoretically, if everyone performs at A level (or F level), then everyone would earn an A grade (or F) as appropriate, although in practice either of these scenarios is unlikely. This means that you are not in direct competition with each other for grades. Instead, you are in competition with yourself in terms of how well you learn the material from the course.
I use a ten point grading scale with 90s=A, 80s=B, 70s=C, 60s=D, and below 60=F. If you score within those ranges, then you are guaranteed at least that letter grade. In other words, I will not “curve” down. However, I do reserve the right to “curve” upward to adjust for degree of difficulty. I do not ordinarily use +/- grades, but I reserve the option to do so at my discretion as circumstances warrant.
There is no secret or magical formula for doing well in this course. The strategy for doing well in this course is the same as it is for most other courses that you take at the college level. In order to establish an ‘A’ pace for this course, you should therefore:
1. Carefully and thoroughly read and study the assigned material when it is due. “Reading over” the assigned material is NOT good enough. You should notate and outline assigned reading material as you read it. If there are any parts of the reading that you do not understand or feel that you need additional elaboration or clarification, then you should raise the appropriate questions in class or arrange to see me during office hours to go over any parts of the assigned material that you do not understand. The rule of thumb for ‘A’ level pace in a college course is that you should spend one to two hours of homework preparation for every one hour of class time. (Two hours of preparation for every one hour of class time for a 15 hour “full time” university course load equals out to a total of 45 hours of schoolwork per week, which is about the amount of time most people who work full time spend at their jobs.)
2. Attend class regularly, be attentive, take good notes, and actively participate in class activities and discussions. Getting someone else’s class notes for classes you miss is NOT good enough. If you are not in class, you will miss important material not covered in the text including lectures, class discussions, demonstrations, exercises, films, etc that will be included on the tests. Class participation is a swing factor in the final grade worth up to a letter grade in either direction so if you are in it for the ‘A’ then you need to be there to get full credit. Also, getting someone else’s notes for classes you miss is a poor substitute for not being there yourself. People write notes to themselves, not to a generalized audience. Notes are taken in order to jar your memory of what material was presented in class. If you were not there in the first place, you have no memory to jar. What might make sense to other students taking notes for themselves may make no sense to you. You are also presuming that the person who took the notes got down all the information presented in an accurate and complete manner, which is not always the case.
3. Know about the forest and the trees. Knowing just the “main points” is NOT good enough. I expect all students who pass the course to get the general ideas and the main points (forest). However, if you are in it for the ‘A,’ then I expect that you have both breath (forest) and depth (trees) of understanding of the material. In other words, you should not only know what the name of the forest is and where it is, you should also be able to identify and distinguish among the different types of trees in the forest. So learn about the individual trees in the forest—know them, hug them, make friends with them.
4. Complete assigned projects and papers on time and according to the directions provided. Disorganized, rushed, and/or late projects or papers are NOT good enough. Papers and projects that are analytical and interpretive, and relate findings to the material presented in class and in the readings will get the highest scores.
5. Take adequate time to make final preparations for tests. Cramming is NOT good enough. There is no quick substitute for spending concerted time studying for tests. If you are unsure about how to go about preparing for tests, you should consult my study skills handout on taking college level examinations (point # 3 listed under the section on “Other Resources” listed below).
Please note that in this course I expect you to abide by the policies on academic integrity as set forth in Section V of the UNCW Student Handbook and Code of Student Life which prohibits cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty including any unauthorized collaboration or assistance on any text, assignment, or project.
In addition to your text and your classnotes, there are several other resources available to assist you to help you in this course.
1. Office Hours:
I would be happy to see you on a one-to-one basis during my office hours, or by appointment, or by chance. I encourage you to stop by my office throughout the semester. I encourage you to see me for extra help, to follow up on points raised in class, or just to stop in and say “Hi.” In addition, I am happy to chat and answer questions after class. Unless I have to dash off to some meeting somewhere immediately after class, I will usually be the last person to exit the classroom in case anyone wants to follow up with me after class.
2. E-Mail:
I encourage you to stay in touch with me through e-mail (MCNAMEE@UNCW.EDU). You can ask questions and/or make comments, observations, or suggestions regarding any aspect of the course throughout the semester. I usually check my e-mail several times a day so you can ordinarily expect a prompt reply.
3. Study Skills Handout
I have written a brief three-page handout on how to prepare for college-level examinations. It provides tips on how to study efficiently and effectively. It is available on my Home Page WEB Site.
4. Essay Test Handout
I have prepared a brief handout that has tips on how to take essay tests. It is available on my Home Page Web Site.
5. The Learning Center
The Learning Center (962-3549-Randall Library) offers a variety of academic services to students including individual tutoring, study skills and test taking skills, and writing and reading skills (available through the Writing/Reading Place (962-7155-2nd floor, Randall Library). All of these services are available to you at no cost.
6. Student Development Services
The Student Development Center (962-3746-Annex to Friday Hall) offers a variety of services to students including stress management, counseling, and special services for students with learning disabilities. These are available to you at no cost.
I am happy to make appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities as specified in federal regulations. If you have a disability and need accommodation please follow this procedure. First, contact and register with the Office of Disability Services (962-3746-Annex to Friday Hall.). Second, obtain a copy of your Accommodation Letter and then make arrangements to speak with me. Assistance will be gladly provided based on the recommendations of the Office of Disability Services and our mutual agreement
The following is a tentative outline of readings and test dates for the course. Depending on how well we keep pace with the schedule, I may make adjustments as we go along. I may also add additional material for the course as we go along. You are expected to complete the reading assignments on the dates they are due unless changes are otherwise announced in class. I expect that you thoroughly and carefully read and study each assigned chapter. You should outline, take notes, and review each of these chapters as they are assigned.
JAN 6 |
Welcome to Social Classes |
None |
JAN 11 |
Intro to The Study of Inequality |
Marger |
Chapter 1 |
JAN 13 |
Stratification Systems |
Marger |
Chapter 7: 170-184 |
JAN 18 |
Ideology and Legitimation |
Marger |
Chpater 13 |
JAN 20 |
The American Dream |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 1:1-12 |
JAN 25 |
On Being Made of the Right Stuff |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 2 |
JAN 27 |
The Silver Spoon |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 3 |
FEB 1 |
The Upper Class & the Power Elite |
Marger |
Chapter 6 |
FEB 3 |
Catch Up and Review |
FEB 8 |
FEB 10 |
It’s Not What You Know But… |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 4 |
FEB 15 |
Making the Grade |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 5 |
FEB 17 |
The Middle Classes |
Marger |
Chapter 5 |
FEB 22 |
Being at the Right Place at the… |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 6 |
FEB 24 |
I Did It My Way |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 7 |
FEB 28- MAR 6 |
OFF!!! |
OFF!!! |
MAR 8 |
Poverty and the Poor |
Marger |
Chapter 4 |
MAR 10 |
Theories of Class and Inequality |
Marger |
Chapter 2 |
MAR 15 |
Catch Up and Review |
MAR 17 |
MAR 22 |
Race and Ethnic Differentiation |
Marger |
Chapter 9 |
MAR 24-27 |
OFF! |
OFF! |
MAR 29 |
The Unlevel Playing Field |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 8 |
MAR 31 |
Racial/Ethnic Stratification |
Marger |
Chapter 10 |
APR 5 |
Gender Inequality |
Marger |
Chapter 11 |
APR 7 |
Discrimination By Any Other Name |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 9 |
APR 12 |
Public Policy and the Class System |
Marger |
Chapter 7 |
APR 14 |
Running in Place |
McNamee&Miller |
Chapter 10 |
APR 19 |
APR 21 |
Catch Up and Review |
APR 29 |
FINAL EXAM: 11:30-2:30 |