Age of Nation-States/Belle Epoque

Constitutionalism & Absolutism; England & France in the 17th Century

Enlightenment, Enlightened Despotism

Industrial Revolution

Russian Revolution


World War I


World War II

Post WWII era


Age of Nation-States/Belle Epoque

Nationalism : Very Strong force

Italian and German Unification

France, England, Austria-Hungary (new title 1867), overseas empires all thrive

New diplomatic arrangements: alliance system

Social Darwinism/Imperialism: heightened European confidence in selves


Constitutionalism & Absolutism; England & France in the 17th Century


James VI & I (r. 1603-1625)

Charles I (r. 1625-1649)

Interregnum (1649-1660)

Restoration; Charles II (r. 1660-1685)

James VII & II (r. 1685-1688)

Glorious Revolution; William & Mary (r. 1689-1701; M died 1694)

Anne (r. 1701-1714)



Henri IV (r. 1589-1610)

Louis XIII (r. 1610-1643)

Louis XIV (r. 1643-1714)


HST 102 Enlightenment, Enlightened Despotism


Enlightened Despotism

Combine absolutism with enlightened governance


Industrial Revolution


Industrial Revolution

Societal changes


Russian Revolution

19th century Russia

  • trade unions, Fabian Society, Christian workers’ parties); strikes
  • (Pius IX condemned communism 1864—it remains condemned);
  • allows workers to participate in politics in non-monarchist states
  • (except Italy—Benedict XV permits Caths to vote in Italy, 1915)

Nicholas II (r. 1894-1917) seeks to avoid diplomatic isolation, retain autocracy

1905 Revolution: Workers riot in St. Petersburg, fired upon (Bloody Sunday)

Revolution (1917, March and November)

Stalin: becomes ldr of communist party; rules Soviet Union 1924-1953 (totalitarianism)


World War I

Pre-War bkgd

  • Naval race (Germany vs. England; [USA also])


Introduction to Post-war world



Bkgd: Financial and political hardship after the war in Italy, Germany, Spain

Nature of Fascism: Conformist

Italy: enters war on side of allies 1916; does not get promised territories after the war

Germany: Weimar Republic created just before end of war; Kaiser abdicates

  • defeat (as did many other Germans—war fought in France)

Spain: Military humiliation in Spanish-American War 1898, Morocco 1922



Industrialization: Workers’ conditions deplorable (re: safety, sanitation, pay, housing)

Enlightenment: notion of finding natural laws for society leads to utopian socialism

Chartists: Form London Workingman’s Association; present charter to Parliament

Utopian socialists: Industrialists who try to create communities for workers—alleviate


Marxian Socialism

1848 Risings

  • Hungarians oppose; Viennese troops defeat Magyars


Russian Revolution

19th century Russia

  • trade unions, Fabian Society, Christian workers’ parties); strikes
  • (Pius IX condemned communism 1864—it remains condemned);
  • allows workers to participate in politics in non-monarchist states
  • (except Italy—Benedict XV permits Caths to vote in Italy, 1915)

Nicholas II (r. 1894-1917) seeks to avoid diplomatic isolation, retain autocracy

1905 Revolution: Workers riot in St. Petersburg, fired upon (Bloody Sunday)

Revolution (1917, March and November)

Stalin: becomes ldr of communist party; rules Soviet Union 1924-1953 (totalitarianism)


World War I

Pre-War bkgd

  • Naval race (Germany vs. England; [USA also])


Introduction to Post-war world


World War II

Preliminaries: Hitler establishes union (Anschluss) with Austria, 1934

The War: Invasion of Poland, 1939; France drawn into War; easy victory over Poles

The Allied Response: Winston Churchill rallies Allies (Blood Sweat & Tears speech)

The War in the Pacific: Japan in Manchuria ; moves through W. Pacific twd Indonesia

The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism strong in Europe, Vienna; Hitler influenced


Post WWII era

Cold War: Fear of the Soviet Union, 1917-1989

European Recovery


  • reduce confidence in the superiority of the west

Class Index