- It was after this war that the third wave of democratization increased in speed. (Two words) (8)
- An East-Asian country noted for its lack of corruption but domination by one political party. (9)
- The system of government that Shively defines as: rule by those (one, few, or many) who are not limited by any formal set of rules. (9)
- The fascist ruler of Spain from 1939 to 1975. (Two words) (16)
- A very rich Middle Eastern country that is ruled by an absolute, hereditary, Sunni-Moslem monarchical family that supports economic modernization but resists social or political change. (Two words) (12)
- A term meaning rule by the few. (9)
- The name of the Western-European country that was the colonial ruler of what, at independence, became Zaire, now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (7)
- The last name of the autocratic ruler of Zaire from 1965 to 1997. (6)
- The name of the longest-ruling leader of the USSR. (6)
- The name of a hereditary monarch of Spain who was pivotal in supporting that country's transition from autocracy to democracy. (Two words) (11)
- It was after this war when the first major wave of democratization occurred. (Three words) (11)
- This is a South-Asian country that has repeatedly alternated between autocracy and democracy and is currently a military dictatorship that is vitally important to the Bush administration's strategy for combatting Islamic terrorism. (8)
- The name of the last ruler of the USSR. (9)
- It was after this war that the second major wave of democratization occurred. (Three words) (12)
- The phrase that describes a key prerequisite of democracy -- the willingness of conflicting groups to: 1) engage in a nonviolent process of bargaining & compromise and 2) abide by the result. (Two words) (18)
- The term for the delegation of powers from the central government of a country to a lower government at the regional or local level. (10)
- An example of a Third World country that is a stable democracy. (5)
- A form of government in which sovereignty is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their representatives chosen in free, fair, frequent, and competitive elections. (9)
- The "democratic bargain" is less likely to survive if a country is which: rich or poor? (4)
- The phrase that describes the competition for influence between high government officials in autocracies -- especially absolute monarchies and dictatorships -- often marked by flattery & attempts to shield the leader from unpleasant reality. (Two words) (14)
- The name of a Latin-American democracy that had one-party rule from 1929 to 2000. (6)
- The name of an autocratic leader of Peru from 1991-2000 whose regime was marred by corruption, unconstitutional political manipulation, & human-rights abuses in the campaign against the Shining Path left-wing terrorist movement. (Two words) (16)
- This Southern-European country illustrated the importance of transitional pacts between outgoing autocratic groups and incoming democratic groups. (5)
- The name of a Western-European country with very strict laws protecting government secrecy. (Two words) (14)
- The name of the first ruler of the USSR. (5)