- A basic dilemma for all governments is that collective goods can be guaranteed only at the expense of what? (Two words) (17)
- A name for those people who argue that the best approximation of the common good is achieved through bargaining and compromise between conflicting interests. (10)
- An example of a negative externality that results from many farm and manufacturing enterprises. (9)
- The class of rights that are accorded more protection from government (or private) abridgement or denial. (11)
- A term that describes a type of policymaking that is a rapid process of large, bold, ground-breaking, & comprehensive steps to achieve a goal in the least amount of time with the fewest lost opportunities. (10)
- This president's civil-rights policies were innovative. (Two words) (12)
- This president's civil-rights policies were primarily incremental. (Two words) (18)
- The term that describes a type of policymaking that is a slow process of small, cautious, trial-&-error steps to progressively achieve a goal with the least risk of costly mistakes. (11)
- This form of justice is achieved if the outcome of a public policy is fair. (two words) (19)
- Keynesian economics advocates which: pure socialism, pure capitalism, or a mixed economy? (Two words) (13)
- An example of a positive externality that is sometimes undertaken voluntarily by property owners but often requires government subsidies. (Two words) (21)
- The term for how fairly public policies distribute costs and benefits. (7)
- The term that Jefferson used to describe the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (11)
- This form of justice is achieved if the process of making, enforcing or adjudicating a law is fair. (two words) (18)
- The term for how well public policies produce benefits at the least cost. (10)
- The general term for all of those collective costs or benefits that are not taken into account in the market calculation of the individual costs & benefits of the buyer & seller. (13)
- Innovative policymaking is more likely to occur in this type of political system. (13)
- Affirmative action policies require what type of treatment of women or minorities? (12)
- Incremental policymaking is more likely to occur in this type of political system. (12)
- This problem makes it difficult for a market-based economy to efficiently provide expensive public goods, like national security. (Two words) (10)
- A phrase that describes those higher excise taxes on goods and services claimed to be harmful to the public good. (Two words) (9)
- Incremental policymaking is more likely in this type of political system. (7)
- The term that describes a claim to a privilege. (5)
- Innovative policymaking is more likely to occur in this type of political system. (7)
- In general terms, how many rights (none or some) are unlimited, i.e., not subject to government abridgement or denial. (4)