- The acronym for a three-word phrase that means the total value of all goods and services produced in a year in a country. (3)
- The Cold-War-Era term used to describe the bloc of anti-communist countries. (4)
- The act of transforming to private ownership an economic enterprise that was previously owned and managed by the state. (13)
- A Cold-War-Era term used to describe the Communist-bloc countries. (4)
- The taking over by government of a private enterprise, usually with compensation to the former owner(s) (15)
- The phrase used to describe taxes whose "bite" is less obvious to tax payers. (two words) (12)
- A tax on the manufacture, sale, or consumption of a product or service; often cited as an example of a "hidden" tax. (two words) (10)
- The confiscation of private property by a government, usually without compensation. (13)
- A symbiotic relationship among: 1) a particular special interest group, 2) a set of elected officials that supports that special interest, and 3) the non-elected bureaucrats who administer the government program that furthers that special interest. Such relationships are very difficult to eliminate and instead tend to expand over time. (two words) (13)
- The type of pension program where current workers' contributions are earmarked for eventual payout as their own retirement benefits. (10)
- Since the 1980s, economic inequality in the U.S is generally INCREASING or DECREASING. (10)
- A varied but generally poorer and less-developed set of states in Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. (two words) (11)
- Which country had the highest share of GDP going to government expenditures in the 1980s: US, Britain, Sweden, or USSR? (4)
- An example of a pay-as-you-go pension system, i.e., one in which the cost of pensions for those already retired are funded by the contributions of those still working. (two words) (15)
- Globalization tends to INCREASE or DECREASE the size of national governments? (8)
- Third-World countries have generally become MORE or LESS democratic since the end of the Cold War? (4)