Course Outline


SECTION I: How does one measure a construct?

1                                Overview: Is measurement always easy and what are our hidden assumptions?

                              This chapter summarizes nicely the primary issues addressed within this course.

                              PP slides: Introduction to testing and its history sec 1


2                Basic concepts in measurement and statistics

                              PP slides: Measurement and statistics sec 2


3                Test Development Issues

                              PP slides: Test Development sec 3


4                Scales, Transformations, and Norm Groups

                              PP slides: Scales and Norms sec 4


5                Reliability in Assessment

                              PP slides: Reliability sec 5


6                Validity in Assessment

                              PP slides: Validity sec 6



                  Class time for presentations/planning.



*********  Exam 1  07-13-11 **********




Section II: Assessing personality

7                            Defining the structure of personality: From Behaviors to Factors and from States to Traits.

                                          PP slides: Personality testing


8                            Examining the MMPI-2 and the criterion group approach.

                                          PP Slides: Personality Testing


9                            Projective tests: What they tell us and what they don’t.

                                          PP Slides: Personality Testing



Section III: Assessing intelligence

10              Defining and Using Intelligence Tests

            PP slides: Defining and Using intelligence

            Mismeasure of Man, pp. 51-61.


11              Inferior species?

                              Mismeasure of Man, Ch. 2


12              Craniology (measuring heads) and measuring bodies

                               Mismeasure of Man, Ch. 3 & 4


13              The Hereditarian View

                              Mismeasure of Man, Ch. 5


14              The Reification of Intelligence

                              Mismeasure of Man, Ch. 6


15              Ending on a positive note

                              Mismeasure of Man, pp. 351-424



*********  Exam 2  07-25-11 **********



Section IV: Student presentations: A critical evaluation of assessments in other contexts.


19                          Class presentations. Presentations will begin on 7-26-11 and conclude on 7-28-11.




Some example tests available to anyone: Example "tests1" / Example "tests2"





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