PSY 425: Tests and Measures

Grading Policies


Final grades will be based on three equally weighted exams (20% each), a two-person presentation (30%), and class participation (10% based on your involvement in class discussions). Exams will be a combination of short answer, multiple choice, and will include at least one essay question. Only the final has a cumulative component. Separate grades will be assigned for each presenter and you must be in attendance on the day of your presentation or you will be assigned a grade of "F." The class participation grade will be based on regular attendance and your participation, so please ask questions and stay involved. The more engaged you are in class discussion the easier this class will be for you.

Unless you have been hospitalized or had a death of an immediate family member, there is NO EXCUSE for missing an exam or the presentations. Students meeting one of these criteria will be able to make-up the missed material provided they can produce appropriate written documentation. All make-up exams are comprised of essay questions and any material to be made-up (exams or presentations) will be scheduled for the same day as the final exam. Anyone missing more than one exam/assignment will have to provide additional documentation.

Final grades will be calculated using the +/- system. Please note that each section described under Class Lectures/Topics does not necessarily represent a single lecture. 

Feel free to contact me anytime by phone, email, or in person.