Required Readings:


:L    Lecci, L., & Magnavita, J. (2013). Personality theories: A scientific approach. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

Th.                  This is distributed as an e-text to keep costs to a minimum. You can purchase the access code from the UNCW bookstore or directly from the

                        textbook distributor Thuze. You can also purchase a pdf printable version of the text. For technical support with e-access, please contact Thuze

                        directly at 855-661-7964 or via email at:

Articles: There are several articles linked to your textbook. However, two in particular are required reading for this course as they will provide you with first hand exposure to the writings of two influential theorists and will be covered on the exams. You'll need a pdf reader to access them.

Freud article (click here)

Skinner article (click here)

The above-two articles require a PDF reader, which is already loaded on the UNCW computers.