Stop watch | |
Eastern zodiac | |
Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji practices |
Apps: Hiragana Memory Hint, Katakana Memory Hint, Kanji Memory Hint. Learn Japanese. (Take come quizzes to get to writing practices.) Good site to learn how to write Katakana and Hiragana and more. Good practice sheet. The home page has more resource. Click on "On-Line Teaching" on the left menu bar and click on "katakana step," "Hiragana-step" or "Kanji step" On Kanji page, scroll down to the bottom and click on each lessons containing some kanji for you to practice. |
Dictionary | 英語学習辞典(えいご・がくしゅう・じてん) English learning Dictionary site but it gives plenty of simple sample sentences, which is great for Japanese langauge learners as well. Use it with Reading Tutor. |
Denshi Jisho : |
Jim Bream site: |
Reading Tutor.
To get vocabulary glossary and Furigana readuing of
Kanji (from Japanese to English) Copy and past the Japanese words/sentences, which you want to know the readings and/or meanings, on to the first box (upper left) and click on the second button from the left ( 日→ 英) . You can get glossary for kanji (kana readings and meanings). It is not always accurate but it creates a good glossary for your reference. |
Verb Conjugator | |
Translation | (I like this one better) or | Go to the following site and type or copy and paste English words/sentences into the box on the left. Click on the second button(翻訳) in the middle, which is framed in orange color. There is no good translation program yet but this is a better one. Note: If you want a translation from Japanese to English, Click on the (日→ 英) button then click on (翻訳) button. | |
Reading Kanji and Vocabulary Glossary |
Rikaikun for Chrome Click the green button on the top right corner to add to Chrome. Im translator: Can be installed and used on Chrome, Firefox, etc. Reading Tutor: ”The above translation program will give you Japanese translation in authentic writing, which means the translation contains kanji, hiragana, and/or katakana. In order to understand the translation, copy and paste the translation on to the box on the left top of the “Reading Tutor” and click on the second button from the left ( 日→ 英) to get glossary for kanji (kana readings and meanings). |
Grammar references | |
Kanji and Furigana (reading) | Also look above ro Rikaikun for Chrome | To convert a web page to Romaji or Hiragana. It also translate Japanese to English. | |
Also, you can use Microsoft Word for reading of kanji and translation of each word. Copy and paste a word or text to Microsoft Word. Highlight a word and right-click it. You will see the reading of the word in hiragana, katakana, and other kanji. If you want translate the word, in the box after right-click, you will see "translate" near the bottom of the box. Choose the "translate" and the translation shows up on the right. If you do not see "Japanese to English" translation, click on the "translation options" (located under green arrow) and check the Japanese box from the choices. |
To get Furigana for Kanji |
Kanji stroke orders | This site is a kanji dictionary with stroke orders (not all kanji but many of them). |
Wiki dictionary gives you stroke orders, sample sentences and more.
Kanji, how to remember. | This is a very helpful kanji site that will show kanji, pronounciation, and little tricks to remember how to read it. The only thing it will not show is stroke order. | Kanji Mnemonic stories to make kanji easier to
remember. You can submit your ideas, too! |
Verb chart | |
Text to speech |
Audio Recording |
This is the easiest to use and you can download as MP3 etc. formats: These are other free (as of May, 2015) recorders: |
Creating a web site | |
Creating PDF file with your phone | Genius Scan (orange background and white circle). Take photo from the app and send it to your e-mail. It will automatically turn it into PDF. Since you are sending it to yourself, it will not likely go to the Junk mail box. |