Most of the course readings are contained in
the following books that can be purchased at local book stores or through
vendors on the internet: |
Layzer, Judith A. 2012. The Environmental Case: Translating Values
into Policy. Third Edition. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly
Press. ISBN 978-1-60426-612-2 (Required) |
Rosenbaum, Walter A. 2010. Environmental Politics and Policy.
Eighth Edition. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.
(Recommended) |
Reserve Readings
The following readings are on reserve in the
library and supplement the course texts. |
Reserve #1 |
Steinzor, Rena I. 1998.
"Reinventing Environmental Regulation: Back to the Past by Way of the
Future. Environmental Law Reporter 28: 10361 - 10372.
(required) |
Reserve #2 |
Scheberle, Denise. 2004. “Chapter 10: Devolution.” in Robert F Durant,
Fiorino and O’Leary (eds.) Environmental Governance Reconsidered:
Challenges Choices and Opportunities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
(required) |
Reserve #3 |
Michael Kraft
and Denise Scheberle. 1998. “Environmental Federalism at Decade’s End: New
Approaches and Strategies.” In Publius: The Journal of Federalism 28:1
(Winter) 131-146.
(required) |
Reserve #4 |
Sapat, Alka.
2004. “Devolution and Innovation: The Adoption of State Environmental Policy
Innovations by Administrative Agencies.” Public Administration Review
V 64, (No 2, March/April): 141-149. (recommended) |
Reserve #5 |
Bardwell, Lisa V. 1991. Problem Framing: A
Perspective on Environmental Problem-Solving. Environmental Management
15 (no. 5): 603 - 612.
(required) |
Reserve #6 |
Gupta, Dipak K. 2001. "Chapter 3: The
Policy Process" in Analyzing Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and
Techniques. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. (required) |
Reserve #7 |
Deleon, Peter.
1999. “The Stages Approach to the Policy Process: What Has It Done? Where Is
It Going?” In Paul A. Sabatier (Ed.) Theories of the Policy Process.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
(required) |
Reserve #8 |
Sabatier, Paul
and Hank Jenkins-Smith. 1999. “The Advocacy Coalition Framework: An
Assessment.” In Paul Sabatier (Ed.) Theories of the Policy Process.
Boulder, CO: Westview Press. (required) |
Reserve #9 |
Healy, Michael
and Timothy Hennessey. 1994. “The Utilization of Scientific Information in
the Management of Estuarine Ecosystems.” Ocean and Coastal Management
23: 167-191. Northern Ireland.
(required) |
Reserve #10 |
Dustin, Daniel
and Ingrid Schneider. 2005. “The Science of Politics/The Politics of
Science: Examining the Snowmobile Controversy in Yellowstone National Park.”
Environmental Management 34, (No 6): 761-767. |
Reserve #11 |
Lee, Kai N.
“Seaworthiness Civic Science.” 1993. Compass and Gyroscope: Integrating
Science and Politics for the Environment. Washington, DC: Island Press.
Pages 161-184 (Chapter7)
(required) |
Reserve #12 |
Rosemary, Robert Durant, Daniel Fiorino, Paul Weiland. 1999. “Managing
Scientific and Teaching Personnel.” Managing for the Environment:
Understanding the Legal, Organizational, and Policy Changes. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. (recommended) |
Reserve #13 |
Lee, Kai N.
1993. Compass and Gyroscope: Integrating Science and Politics for the
Environment. Washington, DC: Island Press. Pages 51-85 (Chapter 3)
(required) |
Reserve #14 |
Cortner, Hanna
and Margaret Moote. 1999. The Politics of Ecosystem Management.
Washington, DC: Island Press. Pages 57-72 (Chapter 4)
(recommended) |
Reserve #15 |
Imperial, Mark T. 1999.
"Institutional Analysis and Ecosystem-Based Management: The
Institutional Analysis and Development Framework." Environmental Management 24
(no 4, November): 449 465. (Download
a copy) |
Reserve #16 |
Imperial, Mark T. 1999.
"Analyzing Institutional Arrangements for Ecosystem-Based Management: Lessons from
the Rhode Island Salt Ponds SAM Plan." Coastal Management 27 (no. 1): 31
- 56. (Download a copy) |
Reserve #17 |
Imperial, Mark T. and
Derek Kauneckis. 2003. “Moving From Conflict to Collaboration: Lessons from the Lake
Tahoe Experience” Natural Resources Journal 43 (no. 4, Fall): 1009
- 1055. (Download a copy) |
Reserve #18 |
Michael Kraft and Scott Furlong. 2004. Public
Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. pages 3 - 31.
(required) |
Reserve #19 |
Michael Kraft and Scott Furlong. 2004. Public
Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. pages 101 - 124. (required) |
Reserve #20 |
Dipak K. Gupta, 2001. Analyzing Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and
Techniques. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. pages
20 - 45. 9 (Chapter 2)
(required) |
Reserve #21 |
Weimer, David L. and
Aidan R. Vining. 2005. Policy Analysis: Concepts and Practice. Fourth
Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Pages 71 - 112 (Chapter 5)
(recommended) |
Reserve #22 |
Ostrom, Elinor. 1999. "Institutional
Rational Choice: An Assessment of the Institutional Analysis and
Development Framework." in Paul A. Sabatier (Ed.) Theories of the
Policy Process. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
(recommended) |
Reserve #23 |
Garrett. 1968. “The Tragedy of the Commons.” Science 162 (December):
1243-1248. (required) |
Reserve #24 |
Edella. 2004. “Common-Pool Resource Theory.” In Robert Durant, Daniel
Fiorino and Rosemary O’Leary (eds) Environmental Governance Reconsidered:
Challenges Choices and Opportunities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
(required) |
Reserve #25 |
Derek and Mark T. Imperial. Forthcoming.
“Collaborative Watershed Governance in Lake Tahoe: An
Institutional Analysis.” International Journal of Public Administration.
Forthcoming. (Download) |
Reserve #26 |
Michael Kraft and Scott Furlong. 2004. Public Policy:
Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. Washington, DC: Congressional
Quarterly Press. pages 151 - 177.
(required) |
Reserve #27 |
Evan. 2004. “Environmental Justice.” In Robert Durant, Daniel Fiorino and
Rosemary O’Leary (eds) Environmental Governance Reconsidered: Challenges
Choices and Opportunities. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
(recommended) |
Reserve #28 |
Salamon, Lester M.. 2002. "The New
Governance and the Tools of Public Action: An Introduction." in
Lester M. Salamon (ed) The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New
Governance. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
(required) |
Reserve #29 |
Heather, Ryan Johnson and Elizabeth Hunt Larson. 2004. “Prices, Devices,
People or Rules: The Relative Effectiveness of Policy Instruments in Water
Conservation.” The Policy Association 21 (no 5): 637-662.
(recommended) |
Reserve #30 |
May, Peter.
“Marine Facilities and Water Quality: Regulatory Versus Voluntary
Approaches.” Coastal Management 31: 297-317.
(recommended) |
Reserve #31 |
May Peter.
2005. “Regulation and Compliance Motivations: Examining Different
Approaches.” Public Administration Review 65 (No 1,
January/February): 31-43. (recommended) |
Reserve #32 |
Imperial, Mark T. and Tracy Yandle. 2005. “Taking Institutions Seriously: Using
the IAD Framework to Analyze Fisheries Policy.” Society & Natural
Resources 18
(no. 6, July 2005): 493 - 509. (Download a
(required) |
Reserve #33 |
Kettl, Donald F. 2002.
"Conclusion: The Next Generation." in Donald F. Kettl (Ed.) Environmental
Governance: A Report on the Next Generation of Environmental Policy.
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
(required) |
Reserve #34 |
Dennis. 2003. “Rethinking U.S. Environmental Protection Policy: Management
Challenges for the Bush Administration.” In Mark A. Abramson and Ann M
Kieffaber (Eds) New Ways of Doing Business. Lanham, MD: Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers. Pages 279-315. (Chapter 9)
(required) |
Reserve #35 |
Academy of Public Administration. 2000. Transforming
Environmental Protections for the 21st
Century. Washington, DC: National Academy of Public Administration,
pages 183-194.
(required) |
Reserve #36 |
Durant, Robert
Young-Pyoung Chun, Byungseob Kim, Seongjong Lee. 2004. “Toward a New
Governance Paradigm for Environmental and Natural Resources Management in
the 21st Century?” Administration & Society 35 (No 6
January): 643-682.
(required) |
Reserve #37 |
Collaboration and Performance Measurement:
Lessons from Three Watershed Governance Efforts. Washington, D.C.: Center for the Business of
Government. (Download
a copy) (required) |
Shaded are not required or
recommended this semester