
Each student will be required to participate in three group projects.  Given the small class size, you will all work on the same three projects, however, as a class you are free to assign the work load on each project as you see fit.  This semester, the projects are:
bulletDevelop a strategy for Wrightsville Beach to comply with the NPDES Phase II stormwater requirements for the Public Education and Outreach and Public Participation/Involvement Minimum Control Measures.  Your target audience for this report is the Wrightsville Beach Planning Department. 
bulletDevelop a set of performance measures and a strategy for monitoring the performance of the NPDES Phase II stormwater minimum control measures for Wrightsville Beach.  Your target audience for this report is the Wrightsville Beach Planning Department. 
bulletEvaluate the Mason Inlet relocation project.  Specifically, I want you to determine whether this project should serve as a model for other local governments seeking to solve similar problems.  As a group, you will need to identify the problems that the project was designed to solve, determine the extent to which these problems have been reduced, and decide whether this project is successful or unsuccessful at this point in time.  You have a great deal of flexibility in terms of the scope and substance of your analysis.  Additional guidance will be provided over the course of the semester.  Your target audience for this report is federal, state, and local practitioners and citizens with an interest in the Mason Inlet Project.
All three reports should be professional in appearance and include a cover, table of contents, executive summary, reference list, and appropriate appendices.  All three reports will be available for others to read so they should be well organized and well written.


You will be required to present the results of all three analyses.  At a minimum, you will present your findings to students in the PLS 521 class and other interested faculty and students.  You may also present your findings to Wrightsville Beach officials.


To help you get started, I have several materials available to you.  These include:
bulletWrightsville Beach's 1996 CAMA Land Use Plan
bulletFolder with clippings of Wilmington Morning Star addressing Mason Inlet.
bulletA reading has been placed on reserve addressing stormwater planning and management
bulletPowerPoint slide show on NPDES Phase II (Draft - Prepared by Tracie Davis)
bulletNPDES Phase II Model permit - NC Coastal Federation
bulletSummary -   NPDES Phase II Model permit - NC Coastal Federation
bulletNPDES - Phase II Permit Application Instructions
bulletNPDES - Phase II Permit Application - Instructions for the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Program Report
There are also a number of web sites with information that will help you over the course of the project.  
bulletCarolina Coastal Science (Information on the Shell Island controversy)
bulletSome information on Mason Inlet
bulletSome more info on Mason Inlet
bulletATM journal with article on Mason Inlet
bulletNew Hanover County
bulletNHC Fact Sheet on Mason Inlet Project
bulletWrightsville Beach
bulletSurfrider Foundation- Cape Fear Chapter
bulletEPA's NPDES Stormwater Program
bulletEPA's Phase II information
bulletNCDENR's Phase II requirements
bulletStormwater Manager's Resource Center
If you find other good references or web sites, let me know and I will make them available.

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Page last modified 08/17/11

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