| |
Most of the course readings are contained in
the following books that can be purchased at local book stores or through
vendors on the internet: |
 | Patton,
Carl and David Sawicki. 1993. Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and
Planning. Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
ISBN 0-13-060948-X. (Required) |
 | Mintrom,
Michael. 2003. People Skills for Policy Analysts. Washington,
DC: Georgetown University Press. ISBN 0-87840-900-9
(Required) |
Levitt, Steven D. and Stephen J. Dubner. 2006. Freakonomics [Revised
and Expanded]: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
ISBN 0-06-073132-X. Harper Collins: New York, NY. (Required) |
Dipak K. Gupta, 2001. Analyzing Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and
Techniques. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.
(Recommended) |
 | Bardach,
Eugene. 2009. A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis: The Eightfold
Path to More Effective Problem Solving. Third Edition. (New York,
NY: Chatham House Publishers).
(Recommended) |
Reserve Readings
The following readings are on reserve in the
library and supplement the course texts. |
Reserve #1 |
Gupta, Dipak K. 2001. "Chapter 3: The
Policy Process" in Analyzing Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and
Techniques. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. |
Reserve #2 |
Walters, Lawrence C., James Aydelotte,
and Jessica Miller. 2000. "Putting More Public in Policy
Analysis." Public Administration Review 60 (no. 4): 349 - 359.
(Available Online) |
Reserve #3 |
Bardwell, Lisa V. 1991. Problem Framing: A
Perspective on Environmental Problem-Solving. Environmental Management
15 (no. 5): 603 - 612. |
Reserve #4 |
Salamon, Lester M.. 2002. "The New
Governance and the Tools of Public Action: An Introduction." in
Lester M. Salamon (ed) The Tools of Government: A Guide to the New
Governance. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. |
Reserve #5 |
Gupta, Dipak K. 2001. "Chapter 10
Projection Techniques: Analysis of Historical Data." in Analyzing
Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. |
Reserve #6 |
Gupta, Dipak K. 2001. "Chapter 13 The Elements of
Strategic Thinking: Decision Tree and Game Theory." in Analyzing
Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. |
Reserve #7 |
Guess, George M. and Paul G. Farnham. 2000.
"Chapter 4 Forecasting Policy Options." in Cases in Public
Policy Analysis. Second Edition. Washington, DC: Georgetown University
Press. |
Reserve #8 |
Gupta, Dipak K. 2001. "Chapter 14
Choosing the Best Alternative: Cost-Benefit Analysis." in Analyzing
Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. |
Reserve #9 |
Ostrom, Elinor. 1999. "Institutional
Rational Choice: An Assessment of the Institutional Analysis and
Development Framework." in Paul A. Sabatier (Ed.) Theories of the
Policy Process. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. |
Reserve #10 |
Michael Kraft and Scott Furlong. 2004. Public
Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. pages 101 - 124. |
Reserve #11 |
Dipak K. Gupta, 2001. Analyzing Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and
Techniques. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. pages
176 - 199. |
Reserve #12 |
Michael Kraft and Scott Furlong. 2004. Public
Policy: Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. pages 3 - 31. |
Reserve #13 |
Dipak K. Gupta, 2001. Analyzing Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and
Techniques. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. pages
20 - 45. |
Reserve #14 |
Michael Kraft and Scott Furlong. 2004. Public Policy:
Politics, Analysis, and Alternatives. Washington, DC: Congressional
Quarterly Press. pages 151 - 177. |