Environment of Public

conditions |
organizations respond to the environment |
relations |
 | Issue networks & policy networks |
 | Political power and public
policy |
Lecture Notes
Web Resources
Movies that Might Be of Interest
There are several good movies that illustrate the important role
that different accountability mechanisms play. They include:
 | Serpico (1974) staring Al
The story of Frank
Serpico's struggle against corruption in the New York City Police department (based on
a true story). An excellent example of how it often can be hard to do the right
thing and the role that whistle-blowers often play in exposing government corruption.
There is also an excellent A & E Biography of Frank
Serpico that you might want to watch.
 | All the President's Men (1976) staring
Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, and Jason Robards: The movie tells the tale of
Woodward and Bernsteins' quest to expose the cover-up of the Watergate break-in
(based on a
true story). It is an excellent illustration of the important role that the media
plays in helping to keep government accountable. Robards and screenwriter
William Goldman both won Oscars.
Books that Might Be of Interest
Related Resources
One of the things you will discover if you read the editorial
pages is that many of the debates and arguments the authors raise are rooted in different
perspectives about federalism and conflicting ideas about what the proper relationship
between federal, state, and local governments ought to be. A few web pages you might
find of interest are:
 | The Drudge Report
and also
contains links to various columnists from around the country and the major newswires.
For those of you that like political cartoons, you might want to
check out these web sites:
some information on the differences in management capacity among the country's major
cities see this recent edition of Governing