Most of the course readings are contained in the following
books that can be purchased at local book stores or through vendors on the
Grover. 2005. Managing the Public Sector. Sixth Edition. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt
Brace College Publishers. |
Reserve Readings
The following readings are on reserve in the library:
Reserve #1
Graham T., Jr.. 1980. "Public and Private Management: Are They Fundamentally Alike in
All Unimportant Respects." in Frederick S. Lane (ed) Current Issues in Public
Administration. Fifth Edition. New York, NY: St Martin's Press (1994). pp.
16 - 32.
Reserve #2
F. Ted, Deil S. Wright, and Jeffrey I. Brudney. 1994. "Challenges to State
Governments: Policy and Administrative Leadership in the 1990s." in Frederick S. Lane
(ed) Current Issues in Public Administration. Fifth Edition. New York, NY:
St Martin's Press. pp. 93 - 110.
Reserve #3
William C.. 1996. "Chapter 15: Administrative Accountability." in Public Administration: Policy, Politics, and Practice. Dubuque,
IA: Brown and Benchmark Publishers. pp. 431 - 460.
Reserve #4
Barbara S. and Melvin J. Dubnick. 1994. "Accountability in the Public Sector: Lessons
from the Challenger Tragedy." Frederick S. Lane (ed.) Current Issues in Public
Administration. Fifth Edition. New York, NY: St. Martins Press. pp. 158 - 176
Reserve #5
Palumbo, Denise and Steven Maynard-Moody. 1991. Contemporary
Public Administration. White Plains, NY: Longman Publishing Group. pp. 135 - 153.
Reserve #6
Cole Blease Graham. Jr. and Steven W. Hays. 1993. "3:
Organizing" in Managing the Public Organization. Second
Edition. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. pp. 69 - 106.
Reserve #7
Cole Blease Graham. Jr. and Steven W. Hays. 1993. "5: Leadership"
in Managing the Public Organization. Second Edition Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly Press. pp. 155 - 203.
Reserve #8
Garnett, James L. 1996. "Communicating Effectively." in
James L. Perry (ed.) Handbook of Public Administration. Second
Edition San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 665 - 681.
Reserve #9
Faerman, Sue R. 1996. "Managing Conflicts Creatively."
in James L. Perry (ed.) Handbook of Public Administration. Second
Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 632 - 646.
Reserve #10
Bingham, Lisa B. 1996. "Negotiating for the Public
Good." in James L. Perry (ed.) Handbook of Public Administration.
Second Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. pp. 647 - 664.
Reserve #11
David Kadue. 1998. "Preventing Sexual Harassment: A Fact Sheet for Employees." in
Howard R. Balanoff (ed) Public Administration 98/99 Fifth Edition. Guilford, CT:
Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. pp. 45 - 51.
Reserve #12
E. S. Savas. 1994. "On Privatization" in Frederick S. Lane (ed.) Current
Issues in Public Administration. Fifth Edition New York, NY: St
Martin's Press. pp. 404 - 413.
Reserve #13
David Osborne and Ted Gaebler. 1994. "Reinventing Government." in
Frederick S. Lane (ed.) Current Issues in Public Administration.
Fifth Edition. New York, NY: St Martin's Press. pp. 438 - 449.
Reserve #14
Barzelay, Michael (with the collaboration of Babak J.
Armajani). 1994. "The Post-Bureaucratic Paradigm in Historical
Perspective." in in Frederick S. Lane
(ed.) Current Issues in Public Administration. Fifth Edition New
York, NY: St Martin's Press. pp. 449 - 467.
Reserve #15
Dwight. 1994. "Public Administration and Ethics." in Frederick
S. Lane (ed) Current Issues in Public Administration. Fifth
Edition. New York, NY: St Martin's Press. pp. 176 - 190.
Reserve #16
Stephen and Donald Menzel. 1996. "Achieving the Ethical Workplace."
in Howard R. Balanoff (ed) Public Administration Fourth Edition.
Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. pp. 24 - 28.
Reserve #17
Rosemary. 1994. "The Bureaucratic Politics Paradox: The Case of Wetlands Legislation in Nevada." Journal of Public Administration Research and
Theory 4 (no. 4): 443 - 467.
Reserve #18
Broadnax, Walter D. 1978.
"The Tuskegee Health Experiment: A Question of Bureaucratic
Morality" in Joseph A. Ureges, Jr. (ed.) Cases in Public
Administration: Narratives in Administrative Problems. Boston, MAL
Holbrook Press.