Case Study 8: The MOVE Disaster
Read "Case Study 8: The MOVE Disaster." It is on
reserve in the library. Time permitting, we will supplement the class discussion with a PBS Frontline video
entitled "The Bombing of West Philly".You should also read the following handout: |
Ramona Africa and the MOVE organization are still
active. A Google search will reveal several speeches and interviews
such as this
one she gave at Kent State. You may also want to look at MOVE's
website and related links.
In recent years they have been involved in efforts to save the life of Mumia Abu-Jamal. |
Once you have read the case, prepare a memorandum that answers the following questions: |
 | Imagine you are the chief of staff for the oversight committee examining the MOVE
incident. Discuss who should be held accountable for the tragic results of the raid on the
MOVE compound. When formulating your answer be sure to provide examples of where
inappropriate actions were taken and provide recommendations for how this type of incident
should be handled in the future. |
Your memo should follow the guidelines for analyzing cases
and preparing memos provided on this web site. |
Class Discussion:
After reading the case carefully, you should come to class prepared to discuss
questions such as: |
- Who are the principal actors or players?
- How was the case affected by the sequence of events?
- What were the major mistakes that the Mayor made? How would you have acted differently?
- Does this case study support the argument that effective public management is the most
important element of good government? Why or why not?
- What does this case tell you about the differences between management and leadership? Is
this an important distinction? Why or why not? and
- Do you agree with the author that the psychological conflict experienced by the Mayor
was the cause of his unusual actions? If you do agree with the author, how could the Mayor
have avoided making these bad decisions? Do you think you would have been vulnerable to
making the same bad decision?
Students are reminded that failure to actively participate in case discussions will
adversely affect your class participation grade. |