| |
Public Policy Process
 | Steps in the policy process |
 | Agenda setting and the democratization of policy
analysis |
 | Policy analysis as an extension of rational decision
making |
 | Role of policy analysts in the policy process |
 | Steps in process of policy analysis |
 | Patton & Sawicki: 1 - 73 |
 | Bardach, 1 - 46, 97 - 102 |
 | RES #2: Dipak K. Gupta, 2001. Analyzing Public Policy: Concepts, Tools, and
Techniques. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press. pages
46 - 69. |
Lecture Notes
Web Resources
There are a number of think tanks and
nongovernmental organizations that hire policy analysts and are both
clients for and generators of analysis in the policy process. Notable
examples include: |
Books of Possible Interest
 | Sabatier,
Paul A. 1999. (ed.) Theories of the Policy Process. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press. |
 | Brewer,
Garry D. and Peter deLeon. 1983. The
Foundations of Policy Analysis. Homewood, IL: The Dorsey Press. |
 | Cobb,
Roger W. and Charles D. Elder. 1983. Participation in American
Politics: The Dynamics of Agenda-Building. Second Edition.
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. |
 | Kingdon,
J. W.. 1984. Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies.
Boston, MA: Little Brown. |
 | Jones,
Charles O.. 1977. An
Introduction to the Study of Public Policy. Second Edition. |
 | Lasswell,
Harold D.. 1956. The Decision
Process. College Park, MD: University of Maryland Press |
 | Dye,
T. R.. 1976. Policy Analysis:
What Governments Do, Why They Do It, and What Difference it Makes.
University of Alabama Press. |