Policy Process


Policy Process



Agenda Setting and Policy Windows (Identifying and defining problems and moving them from the public to the political agenda
Formulation, selection, and legitimization (Decision making)
Implementation and enforcement (Putting the policies and programs into action)
Assessment and reformulation (Evaluation)
Continuation (justification), adjustment (reformulation), or termination (start over)


Rosenbaum: 44 - 93
Hemple: 119 – 149
Handouts - Policy Process #1  
Handouts - Policy Process #2
Handouts - Policy Process #3
Handout - Is it Lonely Being the EPA Administrator?

Lecture Notes

View or print lecture notes as a adobe acrobat file

Web Resources

U.S. Constitution
FIRSTGOV - Information about the U.S. Government
Contact your congressmember
Search THOMAS for information on current legislation
State of North Carolina
City of Wilmington, NC
New Hanover County, NC
See various newspapers for coverage of political issues: The Washington Post, The Washington Times, and The USA Today.  The Drudge Report  and Salon.com contain links to various columnists from around the country and most of the major newswires.
Grist Magazine - environmental news with a sense of humor

Movies that Might Be of Interest

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) staring  Jean Arthur, James Stewart, Claude Rains, Beulah Bondi:  It is the story of a young, naive congressman who goes to Washington to do good and ends up fighting what he thinks is wrong about the system.  What is interesting when you watch the film today is to watch the attitude of the press and how they report the news.  Have things really changed all that much?  Ranked 29 on the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movies.

Books that Might Be of Interest

Washington at work

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Page last modified 02/12/03

Report problems to imperialm@uncw.edu