Guidelines for Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, and Module 4 SEA Assignment

Write a 3 page (maximum) paper that is based on this module's readings. The purpose of this paper is to give you a chance to compare and contrast findings about about a topic, evaluate the research, and develop real-life, tangible applications based on the research.

Use the S.E.A. framework= Summary, Evaluation, & Application


Grading Rubric:

Grade 15 ( Great Job! , Grade: A+) 13 (Good Job! Grade: B) 11 (Average Job, Grade: C)


  • Fully summarizes all articles
  • Effectively finds themes by comparing and contrasting,
  • Includes all three sections
  • Uses APA format throughout
  • Evaluation includes well thought out rationale and examples from the readings
  • Application is direct, personal, and tangible
  • Fully summarizes some of the articles
  • Finds themes by comparing and contrasting,
  • Includes all three sections
  • Uses APA format throughout
  • Evaluation is logical and incldes examples from the readings
  • Application is less than direct, personal, and tagible.


  • Summarizes some of the articles
  • Finds themes
  • Includes at least two sections
  • Uses APA format ineffectively
  • Evaluation does not include examples from the readings
  • Application is fuzzy.