Module 6: Assessment
Goal: This module is intended to give you a chance to explore comparative issues of assessment as well as understand the culture of schooling in the UK.
1) Read at least Ofstead report. Review NCLB (if needed). Read at least one NC NCLB report.
NCLB Report card of NC school - Google it!
2) Compare and contrast websites of a school in the UK with a school in the US.
US. School: Google it!
UK. Schools Directory:
3) Write the C-POC 3 assignment. Here you are comparing and contrasting UK and US and NC assessment, reporting, as well as looking at local level school culture. Email to the instructor. To guide your reflection, among other issues, address the following:
When discussing, please list the URL. Look for similarities and differences.
What does the culture of a US school look like? What does the culture of a UK school look like?
From a curriculum standpoint, what is similar/different?
What cultural / curricular aspects are / are not emphasized?
4) Post your C-POC 3 to NING. Comment on at least 2 other postings. Look for similarities and differences between your posting and other folks.