Module 2: Introduction
Goal: This module is intended to give you an in depth look at education in the United Kingdom (U.K.) generally, and England specifically.
1) Read the collection of articles listed below. These articles are found in this module under these instructions
Christopher, D. (1999). British Culture: An Introduction. London: Routledge. (Read- Introduction: The social and cultural context).
Crook. D. (2002). Educational studies and teacher education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 50, 1, 57-75.
Office for National Statistics. (2005). UK 2005. London: Office for National Statistics (Read - Pgs: 1-7)
Office for National Statistics. (2005). UK 2005. London: Office for National Statistics. (Read - England – Pgs: 8-16)
Poulson, L. (2001). Paradigm lost? Subject knowledge, primary teachers and education policy. British Journal of Educational Studies, 49, 1, 40-55.
2) Write the SEA 2 assignment. Email to the instructor.
3) Post a general reflection to the NING. Remember to reply to at least two classmates. Here are some prompts to upon which you can choose to reflect. If you have other burning points you wish you discuss, please feel free to discuss those.