Guidelines for Module 5, Module 6, and Module 7 Comparative Points of Interest (C-POC) Assignments

Write a reflection paper that is based on this module's activities. The purpose of this assignment is to give you a chance to compare and contrast real-word topics in an engaging way


The format of C-POCs are open. Feel free to be creative to get across what you learned and what you want to share.


You will post this assignment in the Assignment tool to be graded AND to the Discussion Board for others to comment on and learn from.

Grading Rubric:

Grade 10 ( Great Job! , Grade: A+) 8.5 (Good Job! Grade: B) 7.5 (Average Job, Grade: C)


  • Student fully demonstrates having completed the assignment.
  • Student effectively compares and contrasts topic.
  • Student effectively demonstrates having gained knowledge of the topic.
  • Student demonstrates having completed the assignment.
  • Student compares and contrasts topic.
  • Student demonstrates having gained knowledge of the topic.


  • Student demonstrates having completed parts of the assignment.
  • Student somewhat compares and contrasts topic.
  • Student demonstrates having gained limited knowledge of the topic.