by Dr. R. L. Herman, UNC Wilmington
Friday, September 20, 2002
This is a work in
Often one is interested in determining the frequency content of signals. Signals are typically represented as time dependent functions. Real signals are continuous, or analog signals. However, through sampling the signal by gathering data, the signal does not contain high frequencies and is finite in length. The data is then discrete and the corresponding frequencies are discrete and bounded. Thus, in the process of gathering data, one seriously affects the frequency content of the signal. This is true for simple a superposition of signals with fixed frequencies. The situation becomes more complicated if the data has an overall non-constant trend or even exists in the presence of noise.
To be completed.
As described in the last section (hopefully), we have seen
that by restricting our data to a time interval [0, T] for period T, and
extending the data to , one generates a periodic function of infinite duration at
the cost of losing data outside the fundamental range. This is not unphysical,
as the data is typically taken over a finite period of time. Thus, any physical
results in the analysis can be obtained be restricting the outcome to the given
In typical problems one seeks a representation of the
signal, valid for as
where the angular frequency is given by
Note that f(t) is periodic with period P=T: Most signals have an
infinite period, so we already have made a first approximation. Thus, this has
restricted the physical data to
[That is, by limiting
t, we are forced to using discrete frequencies, or the above sum as
opposed to an integral in the Fourier Transform in the last section.]
One can extract the Fourier Coefficients () using the orthogonality of the trigonometric basis. Namely, such orthogonality for a set
over the interval
with weight
is given by the
For the trigonometric functions, this is given by the relations
These relations are proved in Appendix A. The coefficients are found to in Appendix B as
In the previous analysis we had restricted time to the interval [0,T], leading to a Fourier series with discrete frequencies and a periodic function of time. In reality, taking data can only be done at certain frequencies, thus eliminating high frequencies. Such a restriction on the frequency will lead to a discretization of the data in time. Another way to view this is that when recording data we sample at a finite number of time steps, limiting our ability to collect data with large oscillations. Thus, we not only have discrete frequencies but we also have discrete times.
This can be captured in the following representation:
where the time, time step and trigonometric arguments are given by
We need to determine M and the unknown coefficients. As for
the Fourier series, we rely on an orthogonality principle, but this time
replacing the integral by a sum. Again we will determine the unknowns in terms
of the given samples of the function f(t). The orthogonality is provided
in Appendix C. If we take N samples, we can the determine N unknown
coefficients and
Thus, we can fix
Often the
are included for symmetry. Note that the corresponding sine
function factors evaluate to zero, leaving these two coefficients arbitrary.
Thus, we can take them to be zero.
The full set of coefficients are found to be (in Appendix D)
% DFT in a direct implementation
% Enter Data in y
y=[7.6 7.4 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.5 12.4 13.4 13.7 11.8
10.1 ...
9.0 8.9
9.5 10.6 11.4 12.9 12.7 13.9 14.2 13.5 11.4 10.9 8.1];
% Get length of data vector or number of samples
% Compute Fourier Coefficients
for p=1:N/2+1
for n=1:N
% Reconstruct Signal - pmax is number of frequencies
used in increasing order
for n=1:N
% Plot Data
% Plot reconstruction over data
hold on
hold off
This implementation uses matrix products and is described in Appendix H.
% DFT in a compact implementation
% Enter Data in y
y=[7.6 7.4 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.5 12.4 13.4 13.7 11.8
10.1 ...
9.0 8.9
9.5 10.6 11.4 12.9 12.7 13.9 14.2 13.5 11.4 10.9 8.1];
% Compute the matrices of trigonometric functions
% Compute Fourier Coefficients
% Reconstruct Signal - pmax is number of frequencies
used in increasing order
% Plot Data
% Plot reconstruction over data
hold on
hold off
We want to prove the relations
(for ,
These are based upon the
trigonometric identities in Appendix F. For
since and
for n and m
integers. Similarly, the other integrals can be computed.
since Finally,
For we have instead
Here we have used the trigonometric identities and
, which are obtainable from the identities in Appendix F.
We now look at the Fourier series representation
We can use the orthogonality relations in the last Appendix in order to arrive at expressions for the Fourier coefficients.
First, we integrate the series over one period.
This will give the expression
Now multiply the series by for some
and integrate.
Here use was made of the known orthogonality relations from the last section. Also, the Kronecker delta was used, defined as
This renders the sum above a sum with all zero terms except
for one, that for
For example, if we have
Thus, one can solve for the 's to obtain
Similarly, one has
The derivation of the discrete Fourier coefficients can be done using the discrete orthogonality of the discrete trigonometric basis similar to the derivation of the above Fourier coefficients for the Fourier series. We first prove the following
This can be done more easily using the exponential form,
by using Euler's formula, for each term in the
The exponential sum is the sum of a geometric progression, which can be summed as done in Appendix G. Thus, we have
As long as the numerator is 0.
In the special cases that
, we have
and the result
We can use this to establish
orthogonality relations of the following type for :
Splitting the above sum into two sums and then evaluating the separate sums from earlier in this section,
we obtain
Similarly, we find
The derivation of the coefficients for the DFT is now easily obtained using the discrete orthogonality in the last section. We start with the expansion
We first sum over n:
Now, we can multiply both sides of the expansion by and sum over n.
So, we have found that
Finally, we have
The derivation of the coefficients for the DFT was obtained using the discrete orthogonality in the last section. However, this is not the form used in Matlab for spectral analysis. Matlab allows for the computation of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and its description in the help section does not involve sines and cosines. Namely, Matlab defines the transform and inverse transform as
"For length N input vector x,
the DFT is a length N vector X, with elements
X(k) = sum x(n)*exp(-j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/N), 1 <= k
<= N.
The inverse DFT (computed by IFFT) is given by
x(n) = (1/N) sum
X(k)*exp( j*2*pi*(k-1)*(n-1)/N), 1 <= n <= N.
The relationship between the DFT and the Fourier coefficients a
and b in
x(n) = a0 + sum
a0 = X(1)/N, a(k) = 2*real(X(k+1))/N, b(k) =
where x is a length N discrete signal sampled at times t with
spacing dt."
Or, it also provides the following:
In this section we will derive the discrete Fourier exponential transform in preparation for a discussion of FFT in the next section. We will start with the DFT.
Again, we can employ Euler's formula to rewrite the
trigonometric functions in terms of exponentials, Namely, using we have that
Then we have
We define and note that the
above result can be written as
Here we have introduce the complex conjugate operation
The terms in the sums look similar. We can actually combine
them into one form. Note that Thus, we can write
in the second sum.
, we see that
So, we can rewrite
the second sum as
Since q is a dummy index (it can be replaced by any letter without changing the value of the sum), we can replace it with a p and combine the terms in both sums to obtain
Notice that the real and imaginary parts of the Fourier
coefficients obey certain symmetry properties over the full range of the
indices since the real and imaginary parts are related between and
[A description of
this will be provided later.]
We can know determine the coefficients in terms of the sampled data.
We have shown that for all F's but two, the form is
However, we can easilty show that this is also true when and
Thus, all of the 's are of the same form. This gives us the discrete transform
Note that this is similar to the definition of the FFT given in Matlab.
The usual computation of the discrete Fourier transform is
done using the Fast Fouier Transform (FFT). There are various implementations
of it, but a standard form is the Radix-2 FFT. We describe this FFT in the
current section. We begin by writing the DFT compactly using . Note that
We can then write
The key to the FFT is that this sum can be written as two similar sums:
Thus, the sum appears to be of the same form as before, but
there are half as many terms with a different coefficient for the 's. In fact, we can separate the terms involving the + or –
sign by looking at the even and odd values of k.
For even we have
For odd we have
Each of these equations gives the Fourier coefficients in
terms of a similar sum using fewer terms and with a different weight, IF N is a
power of 2, then this process can be repeated over and over until one ends up
with a simple sum.
The process is easily seen when written out for a small
number of samples. Let Then a first pass at
the above gives
The point is that the terms in these expressions can be
regrouped with and noting
However, each of the g-series can be rewritten as well, leading to
Thus, the computation of the Fourier coefficients amounts to
inputting the f's and computing the g's. This takes 8 additions
and 4 multiplications. Then one get the h's, which is another 8
additions and 4 multiplications. There are three stages, amounting to a total
of 12 multiplications and 24 additions. Carrying out the process in general,
one has steps with
multiplications and N
additions per step. In the direct computation one has
multiplications and
additions. Thus, for
that would be 49
multiplications and 56 additions.
The above process is typically shown schematically in a "butterfly diagram". Examples can be found at other sites. One might be provided here at a later date. For now, we have the basic butterfly transformation displayed as
In the actual implementation, one computes with the h's in the following order:
Output and Binary Representation |
Desired Order |
The binary representation of the index was also listed. Notice that the output is in bit-reversed order as compared to the right side of the table which shows the coefficients in the correct order. [Just compare the columns in each set of binary representations.] So, typically there is a bit reversal routine needed to unscramble the order of the output coefficients in order to use them.
The basic trigonometric identities that one needs the product of trigonometric functions expanded as simple expressions. These are based upon the sum and difference identities:
Adding or subtracting one obtains
Another frequently occurring
computation is the sum of a geometric progression. This is a sum of the form . This is a sum of
terms in which
consecutive terms have a constant ratio,
The sum is easily
computed. One multiplies the sum
and subtracts the
resulting sum from the original sum to obtain
Factoring on both sides of this chain of equations yields the desired sum,
The beauty of using Matlab is that many operations can be performed using matrix operations and that one can perform complex arithmetic. This eliminates many loops and make the coding of computations quicker. However, one needs to be able to understand the formalism. In this section we elaborate on these operations so that one can see how the Matlab implementation of the direct computation of the DFT can be carried out in compact form as shown previously in the Matlab Implementation section. This is all based upon the structure of Matlab, which is essentially a MATrix LABoratory.
A key operation between matrices is matrix multiplication.
An matrix is simply a
collection of numbers arranged in n rows and m columns. For
example, the matrix
is a
matrix. The entries
(elements) of a general matrix A can be represented as
which represents the ith row and jth column.
Given two matrices, A and B, we can define the
multiplication of these matrices when the number of columns of A equals
the number of rows of B. The product, which we represent as matrix C,
is given by the ijth element of C. In particular, we let A
be amatrix and B an
matrix. The product, C,
will be a
matrix with entries
If we wanted to compute the sum , then in a typical programming language we could use a loop,
such as
Sum =0
Loop n from 1 to N
Sum = Sum + a(n)*b(n)
A matrix is called
a row vector and a
matrix is called
a column vector. Often we have that both are of the same type. One can convert
a row vector into a column vector, or vice versa, using the matrix operation
called a transpose. More generally, the transpose of a matrix is defined
as follows:
has the elements
In Matlab, the transpose if a matrix A is .
Thus, if we want to perform the above sum, we have . In particular, if both a and b are row
vectors, the sum in Matlab is given by
and if they are both
row vectors, the sum is
This notation is much
easier to type.
In our computation of the DFT, we have many sums. For example, we want to compute the coefficients of the sine functions,
The sum can be computed as a matrix product. The function y
only has values at times This is the sampled
data. We can represent it as a vector. The sine functions take values at
arguments (angles) depending upon p and n. So, we can represent
the sines as an
matrix. The Fourier
coefficient thus becomes a simple matrix multiplication, ignoring the prefactor
. Thus, if we put the sampled data in a
vector Y and
put the sines in an
vector S, the
Fourier coefficient will be the product, which has size
. Thus, in the code we see that these coefficients are
computed as B=2/N*y*S for the given y and B matrices. The A coefficients are computed in the same
manner. Comparing the two codes in that section, we see how much easier it is
to implement. However, the number of multiplications and additions has not
decreased. This is why the FFT is generally better. But, seeing the direct
implementation helps one to understand what is being computed before seeking a
more efficient implementation, such as the FFT.