A Course in Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Textbook, CRC 2013.
An Introduction to Fourier Analysis, CRC 2016.
Refereed Publications
"Laplace Transforms and Green's Functions," 2025, Engineering Problems and the Laplace Transform, ed. Martinez-Luaces, p. 1-112.
"Laplace Transforms and Summable Series," 2025, The Laplace Transform and its Applications in Science, ed. Martinez-Luaces, p. 127-200.
"Perturbed soliton solutions for an integral modified KdV equation", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Vol. 91, December 2020, 105437, jointly with M. Saravanan. Article
"Numerical Realizations of Solutions of the Stochastic KdV Equation", Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 80, Issue 1, September 2009, Pages 164-172, Nonlinear Waves: Computation and Theory VII. Online Version
"Recreational boating traffic: A chronic source of anthropogenic noise in the Wilmington North Carolina Intracoastal Waterway", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 (1), July 2007, p.151-160, 2007, jointly with Haviland-Howell, Frankel, Powel, Bocconcelli, Sayigh. Article
"Introducing Michaelis–Menten Kinetics through Simulation", J. Chem. Educ. 2007 84 434-437, jointly with C. J. Halkides. Article
“Exploring the Connection Between Quasistationary and Squared Eigenfunction Expansion Techniques in Soliton Perturbation Theory”, Proceedings of the 2004 World Conference of Nonlinear Analysts, Nonlinear Analysis, 63, e2473-e2482, 2005. Article
“Project Numina: Enhancing Student Learning with Handheld Computers”, jointly with Barbara Heath, Gabriel Lugo, James Reeves, Ron Vetter, and Charles R. Ward, IEEE Computer Magazine, June 2005. Article
"Quasistationary Perturbations of the KdV Soliton", J. Phys. A. ,37, 4753-4767, 2004. Article
"Towards a Sharable Digital Library of Reusable Teaching Resources: Roles for Rich Metadata", jointly with D. McArthur, B. Graves, S. Giersch, D. Ward, R. Dillaman, G. Lugo, J. Reeves, R. Vetter, D. Knox, and S. Owen, Communications of the ACM, Special Issue on Digital Libraries, Vol 44, No. 5, May 2001. Article
"Fostering Multimedia Instruction in Mathematics", Effective Teaching [Online], 1(1) 1996. Available HTTP: [1996, April 12], jointly with G. Lugo. Article
"Solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation Between Two Spheres: Modified Iterative Methods", J. Scientific Computing 11(2), 1996, pp 127-153, jointly with A.J. Jerri.
"Soliton Dynamics in Near Integrable Discrete Systems", Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizikia, Vol 99, 1994, pp 315-321. Article
“Numerically Induced Phase Shift in the KdV Equation'', Journal of Computational Physics, Vol 104, 1993, pp 50-55, jointly with C.J. Knickerbocker. Abstract
"Evolution of a Modulated KP Soliton'', Journal of Physics A, Vol. 24, 1991 pp 1161-1184. Article
"Resolution of the Motion of a Perturbed KdV Soliton'', Inverse Problems, Vol. 6, 1990, pp 43-54. Article
"The Stochastic, Damped KdV Equation'', Journal of Physics A, Vol. 23, 1990, pp 1063-1084. Article
"A Direct Approach to Studying Soliton Perturbations'', Journal of Physics A, Vol. 23, 1990, pp 2327-2362. Article
"Axially Symmetric Propagation of Small Amplitude Ion-Acoustic Waves'', Physics of Fluids B, Vol. 2, 1990, pp 1775-1779. Abstract
"Conservation Laws and the Perturbed KdV Equation'', Journal of Physics A, Vol. 23, 1990, pp 4719-4724. Article
"Normal Form Solutions of Dynamical Systems in the Basin of Attraction of Their Fixed Points'', Physica D, Vol. 33, 1988, pp 34-50, jointly with T. Bountis and G. Tsarouhas. Abstract
"A Modified Iterative Method for Nonlinear Chemical Concentration in Cylindrical and Spherical Pellets'', Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 52, 1987, pp 173-193, jointly with A.J. Jerri and R.H. Weiland. Article
Non-Refereed Publications
"Open Source Resources for Teaching and Research in Mathematics", Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Addison Wesley (NR), 2009, 107-113, jointly with G. Lugo. Article
"iPods: Reducing Mathematics to Sound/Video Bites", Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Addison Wesley (NR), 2008, 80-84, jointly with G. Lugo. Article
"Tablet PC's in Mathematics: The VLC Project", Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Addison Wesley (NR), 2007, 146-150, jointly with G. Lugo. Article
"A Mobile Learning Environment to Support a Virtual Education Community in Science and Mathematics", jointly with Barbara Heath, Gabriel Lugo, James Reeves, Ron Vetter, and Charles R. Ward, T.H.E. Journal, Vol. 8, March 2005. Article
"Mathematics on Pocket PCs", Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Addison Wesley (NR), 2002, jointly with G. Lugo. Article
"Inverse Problems for Vibrating Beams", Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Addison Wesley (NR), 2002, jointly with G. Lugo. Article
"Can We Control Chaos in Our Computations?" Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Addison Wesley (NR), 1999.
"On-line Toolbook Applets for Calculus" Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics. Addison Wesley, 1998, jointly with G. Lugo.
"Resources on Mathematics on a Compact Disc" Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Addison Wesley, 1996, jointly with G. Lugo.
"The Poisson-Boltzmann Equation and Other Boundary Value Problems: Modified Iterative Methods", Trends in Chemical Engineering, Vol 3, 1996, pp 103-113 jointly with A.J. Jerri.
"Numerically Induced Soliton Perturbations", in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, ed. V.G. Makhankov, A.R. Bishop and D.D. Holm, World Scientific, 1995, pp 323-332.
"Fostering Multimedia Instruction in Mathematics." Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Addison Wesley, 1995, pp 299-303, jointly with G. Lugo.
"Technology in the Calculus Classroom", proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, 1994.
"Solitary Waves'', American Scientist, Jul-Aug 1992, pp 350-361.
"Catching the Wave ', Discovery, a UNCW publication, Fall 1992.
"Lax Pairs, Recursion Operators and the Perturbation of Nonlinear Evolution Equations'', in Applications of Inverse Scattering , AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, Vol.122, 1991 pp 53-60.
"Normal Form Solutions of Dynamical Systems in the Basin of Attraction of Their Fixed Points'', in Progress in Chaotic Dynamics, ed. H. Flaschka, North-Holland Physics, Elsevier Publishing Co., 1989, a reprint of the article from Physica D, Vol. 33, 1988, pp 34-50, jointly with T. Bountis and G. Tsarouhas.
Online Class Notes
- Book Length Course Notes
- Fourier and Complex Analysis Book - Spring 2014
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations - Fall 2014-Spring 2015 (in progress)
- A First Course in Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers - June 2014
- A Second Course in Differential Equations Book - Fall 2008 (needs editing)
An Introduction to Mathematical Physics via Oscillations
- Spring 2012
- See published textbook ( CRC Press, 2013 )
- Tutorials
- Solving Differential Equations Using Simulink - Fall 2015 (in progress)
Journal of Effective Teaching, Letters from the Editor
How Long Does It Take to Prepare for Class?, Vol 15(2)
Social Media Apps, Vol 15(1)
Don't Panic, It's Only an Exam, Vol 14(2)
MOOCs - How Are They Doing?, Vol 14(1)
Are Grades a Necessary Evil?, Vol 13(2)
How Much Do Faculty Work?, Vol 13(1)
The Sage on the Stage, Vol 12(3)
The MOOCs Are Coming, Vol 12(2)
There's An App for That, Vol 12(1)
What Makes an Excellent Professor, Vol 11(1)
What is Critical Thinking, Vol 10(2)
A Pinch of This and a Dash of That - A Recipe for Teaching Excellence, Vol 10(1)
Living on the Cloud, Vol 9(3)
Origins, Vol 9(2)
Digital Textbooks – Making Textbooks Affordable, Vol 9(1)
The Open Source Movement, Vol 8(2)
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