


July 23, 2010.

Good Morning, 

You are receiving this email because you are currently signed up for PHY 335. Your instructor for this course has changed to Dr. Herman and the textbook that will be used will not be the one that the bookstore currently has on order. Hopefully, it will get the book in on time, though you can find it online. I looked for a cheaper text and one that might be more in tune with my style. Also, I will be providing guidance to additional materials online.

If you go to my webpage,, you will find a link to the course page and the main text is listed on the syllabus as Introduction to Modern Physics, John Dirk Walecka, World Scientific, 2008. I have posted a tentative schedule and will be thinking more about the course as we get closer to class.  

This should be a fun class and I look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks!




E-Mail: Dr. Russell Herman Last Updated: July 23, 2010