PHY 201 Notices



Welcome - May 5, 2009

Welcome to PHY 201. This is a first course in college physics. We will be covering kinematics, Newtonian statics and dynamics, gravitation, fluids, kinetic theory, waves, and  thermodynamics. You are expected to have had MAT 161 (Calculus I) since this is a summer class and you will not be able to take both classes at the same time. You will only need to know a few simple derivatives and integrals as we progress through the material. You will need a better handle on these things for PHY 202, which will require Calculus II.

Class begins Thursday, May 14th AM at 10:15. The class meets every day for two hours and you are expected to attend all classes. Labs meet three days per week. The first lab will be on Monday! Labs meet for two hours and you are required to attend all labs. More about that will be covered in the lab. There is a link to the labs at the course web site.

Course materials are posted at the web site  There you will find the syllabus, homework problems, a tentative schedule, links to useful materials, etc. Keep an eye on this site as it will change periodically as we move through the course. In particular, you should look at the useful materials on how to study physics on the materials page. For additional explanations, or materials for any missed class, visit my PHY 101 physics lectures from my 2005 summer class. (This is basically the same concepts without the sprinkling of some calculus that I will add.)  Also, there are some professionally produced lectures at MIT which I recommend you watch as well. See or

As this class meets two hours a day for lectures, you should plan to study 4-6 hours a day outside of class. That means you will easily be spending 35 hours a week on physics. So, you should not be working a full time job, or working and taking another class. This is your full time job for the next five weeks! Students in the past have told me that they should have listened to my advice. So, take it from them - plan to do all the homework, practice a lot, read the book several times, watch some ot the physics videos, and Do Not Miss Class!

The text we are using is shown at You will find the Student Solutions Manual there. If you do not have the book already, you might find it cheaper at places like half.ebay. We will be covering the first 20 chapters. That is about one chapter per day! Note also that graphing calculators are not allowed during quizzes/exams. So, you will need to pick up a cheap scientific calculator and learn how to use it.

Feel free to wander the course pages, look at my site to see who I am, and feel free to email me whenever you have questions. Start working on the homework that is posted!

Good luck, and I will see you soon.


E-Mail: Dr. Russell Herman Last Updated: May 05, 2009