Course  Assignments 



Readings: You will be reading from the two main texts for the first several weeks and assorted articles.

Due Date Reading Videos
Aug 28 1930-1940 Debates  
  SW - Ch I  
  HM - Ch 1-3  
Sep 4 HM - Ch 4 Tyson on Newton
    Stephen Hawking's Universe (1-5)
Sep 11 HM - Ch 5-6 Special Relativity Videos - Watch Several
Sep 24 HM - Ch 7 The Elegant Universe - Einstein's Relativity
  SW - Ch II The Expanding Universe (1-4)
Oct 2 SW - Ch III  
  HM - Ch 8
Oct 9 SW - Ch IV
Oct 16 SW - Ch V  

A Briefer History of Time From the Bog Bang to the Big Mac® (PDF) - Eric Sculman's Version

Written Work: All work is to be typed, double-spaced and 12 pt font, using paragraph and sentence structure appropriate for the assignment. Use the template topic.doc and fill out the date, your name, and the topic already provided at the top of the document. Rename the file using your initials followed by the assignment number. (For example RLH_H1.doc.) Email the final assignment to Dr. Herman at

HW #


Due Date


Provide a synopsis of 1-2 paragraphs per video in the set Stephen Hawking's Universe (1-5) What are the key take home points of each and who were the most important players?  Sep 4


From the videos and reading, answer the following about special relativity:
1. What assumptions did Einstein make?
2. What are the main conclusions?
3. What is the strangest thing you learned?
Sep 11


Provide a clear picture of what Hawking/Mlodinow and Weinberg mean by an expanding universe. (Be careful to cite which book said what.) Which book, if  either, presents a clearer picture? Explain the idea as if you were telling your parents. What are the convincing arguments? Why did scientists believe otherwise beforehand? Are you convinced yet from the arguments made in reading these chapter? Why, or why not? Sep 24


  1. A list of the top ten terms/phrases that you think you should know from the first half of the semester and that you would put on the final in some form.
  2. Similarly, a list of the top seven people we have discussed.
  3. Finally, list the top three principles you might select.
Oct 2


Nobel Prizes in Physics: To be announced Tuesday Write a paper answering the following:
  1. Who was A. Nobel and what prizes did he start and why?
  2. Which Nobel prizes in physics were awarded for work in cosmology?
  3. What were the top five countries in the count of physics prizes?
  4. How many women got Nobel prizes in physics?
  5. Who won the prize in physics this year and for what?
Oct 9


Begin working on research paper and presentation

Oct 16


E-Mail: Dr. Russell Herman Last Updated: October 09, 2008