Simple Commands in MapleV


> f:=x->4*x*(1-x);

[Maple Math]

2D Plots

> plot(f(x),x=0..1);

[Maple Plot]

> plot({f(f(x)),x},x=0..1);

[Maple Plot]

Adding Text

Click on Insert, Paragraph, Above or Below

The Default number of digits used is 10, which can be reset.

> Digits:=15:

In this case, you can use a simple loop structure. (1) Specify initial value. (2) Iterate using Loop:
for n from start to finish
statement 1:
statement 2: etc.

> x[0]:=0.1: for n from 1 to 100 do x[n]:=f(x[n-1]): od:

Displaying Results

> for n from 1 to 10 do print(x[n]): od:

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

> pointplot([seq([n,x[n]],n=0..100)]);

[Maple Plot]

Finding Roots

Seeking fixed point of f(f(x))
Define f(x)

> f:=x->2.1*x*(1-x):

Fixed point equation

> g:=x->f(f(x))-x:

Compute roots

> fsolve(g(x));

[Maple Math]
