Dr. Angelia Reid-Griffin


Department of Instructional Technology, Foundations, and Secondary Education

Education Building 375
(910) 962-7176 Phone
(910) 962-3609 Fax

Courses Taught

General Education (Elementary/MG/SPED majors)
EDN 301 - Instructional Design & Evaluation
EDN 303 - Instructional Technology
EDN 338 - Teaching Science (6-8)

Secondary Education (majors only)
SEC 220- Block 1 Field Experience
SEC 300- Curriculum Design, Technology and Learning Assessment
SEC 320- Field Experience Block 2
SEC 431- Practicum
SEC 430- Seminar - Leadership, Reflection and Management Practices
GRADUATE (Masters/Doctorate levels)
SEC 500- Field Experience in Secondary Schools
SEC 509- Internship in Secondary Schools
EDN 565- Applied Research Practicum in Secondary Schools
SEC 520- Instructional Design, Technology and Leadership

EDL 661- The Education/ Government Internship
EDL 699- Dissertation

Licensures and Certifications

K-6 Science, NC DPI
6-9 Science, NC DPI
9-12 Science, NC DPI

Professional Service

STEM LC Committee
NCSLA- University/Preservice
Science Fair Judge
STEM/Science Consultant

Research Interests

Motivate Middle School Learners in Science (Junior Seahawk Academy)
Project based learning influences on academic collaborations
Teaching & Learning Science with Technology (Robotics, Coding)
Faculty Collaborative Efforts & University/School/Community Partnerships
Teacher Shortages - Minority Teacher Shortages

Additional Information-Meetings/Conventions

2020- North Carolina Science, Mathematics and Technology Education (SMT) Center’s Informal STEM Educator Award
2015- 100 Inspiring Women in STEM Award


Inspirational Quote:
"Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."
Unknown author

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