Howdy! Mr. Nak here, straight from the ranch. I reckon you enjoyed reading about Bo and the other kids from the anger management group. I had a right nice time workin' with that bunch of youngins. This webpage is here for you to take a closer look into the topics you have read about in Ironman. You will find links in each section to help you find out more information on the Internet about each topic. Feel free to use these links as well as your own search efforts. Enjoy yerself!
There are right many things you can research about triathlons. Perhaps you're interested in the history of these events. The very first event that started it all was in Honolulu, Hawaii. Find out more about how it all began - try these links:

Bo went through a lot of rigorous training efforts to become a strong athlete. There are all sorts of ways to prepare for a triathlon. Weightlifting, running, swimming laps, cycling, and eating healthy are all ways an athlete prepares for a big competition. What are other ways one could prepare their bodies (and minds) for an important athletic event? The following links provide a few tips:

Triathlons are very popular all over the world. See what you can find out about recent events and competitions. An ironman triathlon was held in Asia not too long ago. You may also want to look for upcoming triathlons and other triathlon news. The following links are helpful:


The students in the anger management group were dealing with some very tough issues in their lives. It could be said that each of those students was aiming to be Ironmen in some way. Sometimes counselors will suggest books for people to read that may help them deal with their problems. This is referred to as Bibliotherapy. For example, if someone is experiencing a situation with a family member similar to the situation Bo was experiencing with his father, they might benefit from reading Ironman. Perhaps by relating to Bo's experiences and reading how he dealt with his circumstances the reader would learn ways to deal with his or her own situation. Find out more information about bibliotherapy and ways it could be used to help people.

There are hundreds of books available for people to read that may help them deal with personal issues. Imagine you have a close friend or family member who is having a difficult time dealing with a certain issue. Maybe they have recently lost a loved one or they are struggling with peer pressure. Use the following links to find a list of books you might suggest to this person.


Much of Ironman involved reading letters Bo wrote to his favorite talk show host/journalist, Larry King. There are so many talk shows on television and radio these days to choose from. Some are informative and involve current events and news facts. Others, as we all know, are more or less for entertainment purposes. Think about the talk shows you listen to or watch regularly. Which is your favorite? Least favorite? Write a letter to one of these hosts and email it to them at their website. Explain what aspects of their show you enjoy or disagree with. The following links may help you:


 David Letterman                                    Oprah                                               Delilah


This is the last section of the Ironman webpage. Here you will have the opportunity to continue your research on related topics from the book. You may decide to do more than one of these activities - great! Take advantage of all the available resources out there on the Internet to help you learn more about these topics. Have Fun!

Bo's friends from the anger management group created a tape of music and inspiring words to help Bo through the triathlon. Many athletes use music to energize them for an event. Think of the type of music you would put together for yourself (or a friend) in order to pump up for an athletic event. The following links will help you find the songs you may want:

Bo's friends also provided other means of support during his training and the day of the triathlon. There are many ways people can provide support and encouragement to each other. Think of how you may have been there for Bo as he prepared for the big day at Yukon Jack's Resort. The following links provide some interesting suggestions:

Finally, I'd be much obliged if you took an interest in the rodeo. You know I was inspired by Bo and everyone from the group to pursue my dream of working in the rodeo. Take a look at different web sites to find out what sort of things I've been up to lately. I'm having a grand ol' time. Use the links below to get yerself started if you need to.