The Slave Dancer
By Paula Fox
Designed by Stacey Morgan
The Slave Dancer is a story about a young boy's experience aboard a slave ship called the Moonlight. Jessie Bollinger has been kidnapped and is forced to make the dangerous voyage across the Atlantic to bring back slaves from Africa. His job aboard the Moonlight is to dance the slaves. This dangerous voyage is known as the Middle Passage. For many years Europeans and Americans went to Africa and captured people to work on the plantation farms in the Americas. The transatlantic slave trade became a very profitable business. In the 1800's the United States passed a law forbidding ships to transport Africans across the Atlantic to be sold into slavery, however, this did not stop many ships from continuing to run the Middle Passage.
In this webquest you will discover:
The Moonlight
Jessie needs to know how long his voyage to Africa will take. He is lonely and misses his mother and sister. Find out the following:
How many miles will
Jessie travel on his voyage to Africa following the path of the Middle
How long do you think it will take him to make
the voyage?
How many slaves were brought to America during
the 1700 and 1800's?
Which country or continent bought most
of the slaves?
Life aboard a Slave Ship
Many of the Africans never made it to America. There were many that died during the Middle Passage. From their capture in Africa, to their arrival aboard the slave ships, Africans suffered at the hands of the slave traders.
What did the slaves
eat on slave ships?
Where and how did they live aboard the slave
How were they treated?
Life as a Slave
There are very few written accounts of life aboard a slave ship actually written by slaves. The Slave Dancer is told through the eyes of Jessie, a thirteen-year-old white boy. Tell the story through a slave's perspective.
Write a letter to your parents describing your
capture and your stay at a slave fortress in Africa.
Write at least three journal entries
describing your voyage across the Atlantic. What was your physical condition
when you were brought on board, where did you stay during the voyage, and how
many fellow Africans were alive at the end of the journey.
Record all of your answers and writing entries in your journal. Journals will be graded on accuracy of answers and quality of content.