
Associate Professor
Health & Applied Human Sciences




HAHS Homepage



As an Associate Professor of Physical Education Exercise Science with the Department of Health and Applied Human Sciences at UNC Wilmington, my responsibilities include teaching, scholarship and service. My website is a “work in progress” and therefore continues to be updated and added to. You are more than welcome to link to the following information and accompanying related links. And please do not hesitate to contact me with questions and anything I can help you with.


Spring 2008 Courses

PED 340 - Biomechanics of Sport & Exercise
   Joint Movement/Muscle
   Skill Analysis

PED 347 - Practicum in Exercise Science
   Student Forms
   Mid Evaluation
   Final Evaluation

PED 355 - Measurement & Evaluation of human physical proformance   
   Psychomotor Test Administration

PED 379 - Sport, Physical Activity & the Law
   Legal Case Resources