EDN 568
Program Design and Evaluation
Howard V. Coleman
Spring 2009
Office - 339
Phone – 962-7287
Office Hours - Mondays - 2:00 - 6:00 Email – colemanh@uncw.edu
Wednesdays - 2:00 - 6:00 M-F - call or email to schedule an appointment
Rationale for this Course: The Watson School of Education's Conceptual Framework is committed to preparing school administrators with the knowledge and understanding to make ethical and effective decisions in public schools. Within the WSE's Conceptual Framework, this course provides opportunities for educational leaders to learn a variety of approaches for designing, planning, and conducting educational program evaluations. The general goals of the course are to develop an awareness of the concepts and issues in educational program evaluation, to gain a clear perspective of the role of evaluation in education, and to acquire the ability to conduct useful evaluation studies. Finally, this course supports the WSE's Conceptual Framework of teacher as decision maker and reflective practitioner.
The course is aligned with the components of ISSLC Standards 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, and 3.3. Educational leaders receive instruction on the content knowledge required to create program designs, to conduct program evaluations, and to interpret the results of program evaluation. Students develop effective strategies for presenting and communicating program evaluation results to diverse stakeholder groups. Outcome based assessment techniques assist school administrators in promoting the success of all students by identifying and sustaining high quality instructional programs that are conducive to student learning. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies provide an array of content knowledge and techniques for identifying individual, diverse, and specific student needs, evaluating school performance, and assessing student achievement in public schools. Staff performance evaluation models provide the tools and the content knowledge to effectively determine the strengths and weaknesses of school personnel. In addition, assessment outcome measures can be utilized to determine effective staff development programs for improving the performance of school personnel. Resource assessments are used to determine facility, instructional and human resource needs for school organizations. Finally, the development of SMART Goals at the elementary, middle, and high school levels are incorporated into all program design and evaluation models.
Course Goals:
Students will be expected to acquire the knowledge, understanding, ability, and skill to develop a six-step plan for designing and conducting program evaluations in an educational context:
Toward that end, students will become knowledgeable of the following:
Course Objectives: By the end of the course, consistent with
the Watson School of Education's Conceptual Framework shaping the teacher and
administrator programs at the
The Watson School of Education’s Conceptual Framework requires that all students be technologically competent. This course will require you to use internet search skills to locate assigned readings on the World Wide Web.
Exam and Work Products
This course is designed to focus on key components of the Watson School of Education's Conceptual Framework. The WSE develops highly competent professionals to serve in educational leadership roles. All educators must use data for decisions, reflect upon their practice, exemplify their commitment to professional ISSLC Standards, implement appropriate communication strategies, and strive to meet the needs of all learners. The course is aligned with the components of ISSLC Standards 2.1, 2.3, 2.4, and 3.3.
Vocabulary, Ethics, Standards,
and Comprehension Exam (20 points):
In an effort to ensure that all students understand the fundamental definitions, theories, ethical concepts, standards, and principles of Program Design and Evaluation, a vocabulary and comprehension exam will be administered. Exam content will include information necessary for students to have a clear understanding of program design and evaluation in educational institutions. Specifically, the exam will assist students in acquiring the knowledge and understanding of ISSLC standards 2.1 in becoming educational leaders who promote the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. Student will also learn importance and utility of promoting the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Public School Needs Assessment (30 points)
Students will create, develop, and present a comprehensive program needs assessment for a low-performing public school. The needs assessment work product will assist students in understanding No Child Left Behind Act and federal accountability mandates. The needs assessment will support and be congruent with the strategic planning model presented in EDN 582 and the research theories, concepts, and principles presented in EDN 523. Students will utilize a variety of data sources and references to complete the needs assessment including the American Evaluation Association’s Standards and Guiding Principles, the NC ABC School Accountability Report Card, and a summative-outcome/based program assessment model. The public school needs assessment work product will support ISSLC Standards 2.2 and 2.3 relative to students becoming educational leaders who promote the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and by mobilizing community resources.
Public School Needs Assessment
Presentation (15 points)
Students will develop and present a summary of the Public
School Needs Assessment to the class.
The class presentations support the Watson School Education Conceptual
Framework of using data for decisions, reflecting upon the practice of
implementing appropriate communication strategies, and striving to determine
how to best meet the needs of all learners by gaining followership among all
stakeholders. The needs assessment work product and presentation will assist
student in becoming educational leaders who promote the success of all students
by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context of their school, stakeholders, and
Program Design and Evaluation
Project (35 points)
The final exam work product will be a program design and evaluation project incorporating the data, information, goals, objectives, and recommendations developed from the comprehensive Needs Assessment Project into a Summative/Outcome-Based Program Evaluation Model. The work product will support students in becoming educational leaders with the learning, skills, abilities, and leadership dispositions identified in the ISSLC Standards and the Watson School of Education's Conceptual Framework.
Grading Scale: Grades will be based on the total number of points earned during the semester:
91 – 100 points = A
81 - 90 points = B
71 - 80 points = C
Below 71 points = F
Attendance and Behavioral Expectations
Students are expected to attend all class meetings on time
each week. Students who are tardy to class will be considered to be absent. Students
missing more than 2 classes during the semester will be directed to withdraw
from the class. Students withdrawing
after 4/03/07 will receive a withdrawal failing grade (WF).
The Watson School of Education is committed to promoting and ensuring professional leadership dispositions and behaviors among all students. Inappropriate behaviors during class meetings will not be tolerated. Inappropriate behaviors and disruptions include talking during instructor and student presentations, reading books, magazines, or newspapers during class, sleeping in class, and a lack of respect for persons.
Students who chose
to disrupt class and/or exhibit inappropriate behaviors will be directed to
leave class immediately and receive an automatic 5 point deduction from their
final grade for each offense.
After the third offense, students
will be withdrawn from the class.