Psychology 265 - Study Guide

Spring Semester 2004

Midterm Examination Two

As you know, when preparing a test, I review the objectives outlined for you at the beginning of the course, the textbook material covered on the examination, and my class notes. I encourage you to do the same. The course objectives can be found on the first page of your syllabus. Help with the textbook materials and copies of my class notes can be found on my home page located at:

This examination will cover the following topics: sexual orientation, developmental approaches to sexuality, sources of sexual arousal, models of sexual arousal, love and communication, sexual technique and contraception.

From the first midterm until now we have begun to explore the field of human sexual behavior in detail. We have covered basic physiologic mechanisms underlying the human sexual response and have reviewed sociocultural influences on sexual behavior. Because of this, areas such as human sexual behavior throughout the lifespan, models of sexual arousal and love, intimacy and communication will be emphasized on this exam.

This study guide is meant to help you to review for the test. It is not meant to provide you with an exhaustive list of the material covered on the exam. There will be material on the exam that is not included in this study guide.

You should know by now that I not only want you to do well but that I expect you to do well. If you study the material covered in the class and the text you should have little difficulty with this test. This study guide consists of questions you might ask yourself as you review the course materials. I hope they help you in your efforts at mastery of the class content. I wish you good luck.

Sexual Orientation

What are some causal theories related to sexual orientation? You should be familiar with genetic, hormonal, learning, and sociocultural accounts of homosexual behavior and the limitations associated with research in each of these areas. Is homosexuality considered a mental illness? You should be familiar with the decision of the APA to remove homosexuality from its' official list of mental disorders and with the distinction made between legal, moral, and clinical definitions of abnormal behavior. You should know how prevalent homosexual, bisexual and lesbian behavior are throughout the life span. Please also be familiar with differences in sexual behavior between homosexuals, heterosexuals and lesbians.

Sexuality Before Adulthood and Adult Sexuality

What are some differences and some commonalities in sexual expression throughout the lifespan? You should be familiar with the general patterns of sexual behavior expressed in infancy, early childhood, adolescence, adult, middle-aged, and elderly samples. This would include knowledge of gender differences in masturbatory rates in childhood and adulthood, in sexual satisfaction in adult and elderly samples as well as typical courtship patterns throughout the lifespan. Does sexual responsiveness change during development? You should be conversant with the role that hormones play in the mediation of sexual response, especially in middle-aged and adolescent individuals. You should also be aware of cognitive and sociocultural factors as they affect sexual responsiveness. This would include, for example, knowledge of the fact that expectations of impaired sexual abilities may contribute to a decline in sexual functioning in elderly individuals and that fear or lack of awareness may impede orgasm in some women.

Sources of Sexual Arousal

What are some of the ways that each of the senses influences sexual arousal and sexual responses? You should be familiar with the effect of taste, smell, and sight on arousal. This would include an awareness of the role that pheremones play in sexual behavior and the relative importance of each of the senses in sexual responsivity. Do aphrodiasiacs, or other exogenous substances like alcohol or other drugs influence the magnitude of the sexual response? You should know the differential effect of drugs such as alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine and marijuana on sexual desire, response, and ability. What are the effects of hormones on sexual behaviors? You should be familiar with the influence of hormones such as estrogen and testosterone on the sexual response cycle. What are the stages of the human sexual response and how do more cognitive models differ from more physiological models in their description of these stages? You should be familiar with the stage of sexual response model proposed by Master's & Johnson as well as those proposed by other researchers such as Walen & Roth.

Love, Intimacy and Communication

What are some of the factors that may influence whether certain individuals become attracted to one another? You should be aware of the effect of variables such as propinquity, similarity, and complementarity on sexual attractiveness. You should also know how equity theorists, learning theorists, and sociobiologists explain gender differences in mate choice.

How is intimacy established and what influence does intimacy have on sexual behavior? You should be familiar with the role that self-disclosure and acceptance play in the development of intimacy. What is love and what are the factors that contribute to enduring love between two people? You should be familiar with types of love such as agape and eros as well as theories of love proposed by researchers such as Sternberg. You should know the relationship between variables such as passion, intimacy, and commitment in producing enduring love relationships as well as the importance of factors such as attachment style in determining the viability of a love match.

How do people communicate with each other in an effective manner? What are some specific techniques that can be used in communicating sexually? What communication patterns can impair effective communication? What are the greatest barriers to effective communication?

Sexual Techniques

What are some of the typical patterns of behavior exhibited by males and females as they engage in foreplay, masturbation, fellatio, cunnilingus, and intercourse? You should be familiar with gender differences in each of these behaviors as well as with behaviors that may be less familiar to you such as anilingus. Are there sociocultural differences in sexual expression? You should be aware of sociocultural influences such as education and ethnicity on sexual behavior. Do homosexuals and heterosexuals differ in their use of sexual techniques? You should be aware of the differences and similarities between homosexuals and heterosexuals in technique and sexual expression.

Contraception You will only be responsible for information presented on 3/18. You will be responsible for information in the book that is discussed on 3/18

In these classes, we reviewed the physiological mechanisms by which various forms of contraception work in humans. You should be conversant with the hormonal influences of birth control pills and the mechanisms by which substances such as nonoxynol-9 work in preventing pregnancy and STDs. I expect you to be aware of the differences between typical and perfect user failure rates in the birth control methods reviewed in class and in your text. This would include knowledge of differences in effectiveness between methods (e.g., barrier versus hormonally mediated forms of birth control) as well as within methods (e.g., how the mini pill compares to the combination pill). You should include a thorough review of the various means of abortion in your studies.

You should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages associated with various birth control methods. Disadvantages may be physical (e.g., increased rates of vaginal bleeding), psychological (e.g., increased rates of depression or moodiness), or sociocultural (e.g., religious proscriptions against particular birth control method). You should be aware of the causes of the typical user failure rate. This would include physical problems such as skin irritation and psychological factors such as fear of touching one's own genitals.

I expect you to know the means by which various birth control devices can be obtained and the approximate cost associated with each. You should know, for example, that condoms can be obtained without a prescription and are relatively inexpensive while birth control pills require a doctor's prescription and are typically more expensive than condoms.