Resources for HPERD
Bennett, J., Combs, S., Lewis, C., &
Hill, J. (1997). Teaching Lifelong Leisure Pursuits. Boston: American
Press. 617-247-0022.
Peel, J.C., Bennett, J.P., & Combs,
C.S. (1997). Active Living: A Matter of Choice. Needham Heights, MA:
Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing. 617-455-7000.
Peel, J.C., Bennett, J.P., & Combs,
C.S. (1997). Active Living: A Matter of Choice: A Resource Guide.
Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing. 617-455-7000.
Titlow, L.W. and Bennett, J. P. (1996). Introduction
and Principles of Physical Education. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown & Benchmark
Publishers. 800-446-8979.
Bennett, J.P. and Reimer, P.C. (1995). Rhythmic
Activities and Dance. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics. 800-747-4457
Bennett, J.P. (1995). Gymnastics for
Everyone. Boston: American Press. 617-247-0022.
Bennett, J.P. (1995). "Fitness
Activities to Start Your Day". Chapter in Ideas for Action II-More
Award Winning Approaches to Physical Activity. Project of The President's
Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, National Association for Sport and
Physical Education, the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association. North Palm
Beach, Florida: Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association. AAHPERD 800-213-7193.
Bennett, J.P. (1994). Two chapters in
"PE for TV" by Whittle Communcations, Knoxville, Tennessee for a
special made for TV series on personal fitness. The two chapters are in a
companion text for the TV series which is titled, "PE for TV", and
was made possible through a grant from Reebok. The title of the first chapter
is "Sports and Dance, Week #8, Rhythm and Coordination" and the
second chapter is titled, "Sports and Dance, Week #11, Line Dance". PE
TV. Knoxville, Tennessee: Whittle Communications, L.P. AAHPERD 800-213-7193.