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Free software in the time of budget cuts: Open Source
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What is Open Source Software?
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The Four Freedoms
- To run the program
- To study how the program works and adapt it to your needs
- Redistribution
- Improve the program and release improvements to the public
- Proprietary Software
- Total Cost of Ownership
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- Local Leadership
- Can distribute OSS tools and methods to local schools, and clinics
- Can find OS's and Applications that can run on outdated hardware
- Legitimize existing OSS solutions to UNCW IT needs
- Curb student software pirating
- Lighten the financial load for students
- Lighten the financial load for UNCW and individual departments
- Cross-platform compatibility
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Types of Open Source Software Development
- Community Development
- Directed Development
- Google Summer of Code
- Sakai Project
- Mozilla Foundation
- Open Office
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User Applications
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Existing OSS Applications for UNCW
- Randall Library Drupal
- ~ Latex
- Linux
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Course Management
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Legal Issues
- Appropriate Licensing - Licensing Compatibility
- Personal Liability
- Actual Risk of Liability
- Ownership of the code, who is in charge of development
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- Do It Yourself
- Join a Consortium
- Get Consultancy Support
- Vendor Support
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